引用本文:蔚叶. LNG接收站BOG产生量的静态计算方法[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(1): 69-73.
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目的 研究LNG接收站各工况下BOG产生量的静态计算方法。方法 将接收站的BOG产生拆解成不同的单一原因,并提供各单一原因下BOG产生量的静态计算方法,通过叠加可估算不同工况下全场的BOG产生总量。结果 以北燃LNG项目初设数据为基础,选择在卸船、最小外输、贫液、不装车运行工况下,将静态计算结果与初设提供的仿真计算结果对比分析,显示静态计算方法得出的BOG产生量具有较高的准确度。但静态计算方法现阶段仍具有不足之处。结论 静态计算方法在指导生产运行中有较高的可靠性和可行性。 
关键词:  BOG  LNG接收站  静态计算方法  外输工况 
Static calculation method of BOG generation in LNG terminal
Yu Ye
Beijing Gas Tianjin LNG Emergency Storage Project, Tianjin, China
Objective A static calculation method of BOG generation under various working conditions in LNG terminal was studied. Methods The BOG generation in the LNG terminal was disassembled into different single causes, and the static calculation method of BOG generation under each single cause was provided. The total amount of BOG generation in the terminal under different working conditions can be estimated by superposition. Results Based on the initial data of the Beijing Gas LNG project, the static calculation results were compared with the simulation results under the conditions of unloading, minimum output, lean liquid and no loading. The results show that the BOG production calculated by the static calculation method has high accuracy. However, the static calculation method still has shortcomings at this stage. Conclusion The static calculation method has high reliability and feasibility in guiding production and operation.
Key words:  BOG  LNG terminal  static calculation method  transmission working condition