引用本文:龙学莉,白莹雪,曹红燕,魏巍,赵莉,王晨,等. 润湿乳化型含氟表面活性剂的制备及其性能研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(1): 79-83, 90.
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目的 在表面活性剂中引入含氟链段,进行含氟表面活性剂的性能研究。方法 以马来酸酐、十二烷基伯胺、六亚甲基二异氰酸酯(HDI)、全氟丁基乙基醇、亚硫酸氢钠为原料,合成了润湿乳化型含氟表面活性剂(EFS),采用FTIR和1H NMR技术表征了制备产物的结构,考查了EFS的润湿性能、乳化性能和驱油性能。结果 EFS可有效改善注入水与水湿、中性和油湿玻璃片的润湿性,具有较好的润湿改变性。当EFS质量分数为0.2%时,具有良好的乳化原油性能;在24 h内,可将毛细管中的原油驱出一半以上,具有良好的驱油性能,且毛细管与瓶底角度越大时,原油越容易驱出。
关键词:  含氟表面活性剂  润湿  乳化  驱油 
Synthesis and performance evaluation of a wetting and emulsified fluorinated surfactant
Long Xueli1, Bai Yingxue1, Cao Hongyan1, Wei Wei1, Zhao Li1, Wang Chen2,3, Guo Yan1
1. Xi'an Changqing Chemical Group Co., Ltd, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China;2. Key Laboratory of Chemistry and Technology of Light Chemical Additives, Ministry of Education, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China;3. Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China
Objective The performances of fluorinated surfactants by introducing fluorinated segments into sutfactants were studied. Methods Maleic anhydride, dodecyl primary amine, hexamethylene diisocyanate(HDI), perfluorobutyl ethanol and sodium bisulfite were used to synthesize wetting and emulsifying fluorinated surfactants(EFS). The structure of EFS was characterized by FTIR and 1HNMR. The wettability, emulsifying and oil displacement properties of EFS were investigated. Results The EFS can effectively improve the wettability and change the oil-wet glass surface into neutral surface, showing wetting reversal properties. Besides, the emulsification and solubilization performance indicated that 0.2% EFS has good emulsifying properties for crude oil. Moreover, the EFS presented good oil displacement performance, and more than half of crude oil in capillary can be driven out when the concentration of EFS was 0.2% within 24 hours. Meanwhile, the larger angle between capillary and bottle bottom, the easier the crude oil is driven out.
Key words:  fluorinated surfactant  wettability  emulsifying  oil displacement