引用本文:胡凯,田莉,邹迪,杨宝安,朱晓丽,陈赞. MRU系统目标洁净度控制技术的研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(1): 138-144.
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目的 提出MRU系统污染控制的有效措施,降低系统故障发生的几率,提高系统运行的稳定性和可靠性。方法 通过MRU系统颗粒污染物和烃类污染物的动态仿真,考查了各种过滤技术方案及技术参数对系统污染控制效果的影响,提出达到和保持目标洁净度的技术方案。结果 常用的10 μm过滤精度的过滤器无法对10 μm以下的颗粒污染物进行有效的过滤和排除,目前常用的吸附器的吸附效率为50%~60%,无法消除液烃类污染物的积累效应。结论 应采用过滤精度为1 μm的过滤器,以消除超细颗粒污染物(1~5 μm)的累积效应,应采用吸附效率在65%以上的吸附器,以保证烃类污染物的高效脱除,确保系统目标洁净度的实现。 
关键词:  深水天然气开采  乙二醇  MRU系统  颗粒污染物  烃类污染物  动态平衡  目标洁净度 
Research of goal cleanliness control technology in MRU system
Hu Kai1, Tian Li1, Zou Di2, Yang Baoan2, Zhu Xiaoli2, Chen Zan1
1. Tianjin Chemical Research and Design Institute Co., Ltd. of Cnooc, Tianjin, China;2. Anjie Fluid Management Co., Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective The effective measures for pollution control of MRU system are put forward to reduce the probability of system failure and improve the stability and reliability of system operation. Methods Based on the dynamic simulation on the particulate and hydrocarbon pollutants in MRU system, the effects of various filtration methods with different technical parameters on the pollution control was investigated so as to form the technical solution to achieve and maintain the expected cleanliness. Results The existing filtration accuracy of 10 μm could not effectively remove the particles with diameter less than 10 μm while the adsorption efficiency of the existing adsorbent is between 50% and 60%, which can not eliminate the accumulation effect of liquid hydrocarbon pollutants. Conclusion sFilters with filtration accuracy of 1 μm to 5 μm should be used to eliminate the accumulation effect of small particle size pollutants. Adsorbers with adsorption efficiency above 65% were needed to ensure the efficient removal of hydrocarbon pollutants and ensure the realization of targeted cleanliness of the system.
Key words:  deepwater natural gas extraction  MEG  MRU system  particle pollutant  hydrocarbon pollutant  dynamic balance  targeted cleanliness