引用本文:张甫,易金华,梅光军,潘伟晓. 利用闲置加氢装置生产二代生物柴油的改造与工业应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(2): 35-40.
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1.武汉理工大学资源与环境工程学院 ;2.武汉金中石化工程有限公司
目的 利用闲置加氢装置改造生产二代生物柴油,提高绿色低碳清洁燃料的应用比例,践行碳达峰、碳中和的国家战略。方法 根据某石化公司现有闲置30×104 t/a煤焦油加氢装置的现状,尽量维持原有关键设备和高压设备不变,避免设备长周期制造、采购等问题。经过多因素综合考虑,决定将反应器1改造为膨胀床反应器,反应器2仍为固定床反应器,并对反应器内件及工艺流程进行适应性改造。改造后的工艺流程为膨胀床/固定床加氢组合工艺流程。结果 该改造实施后,装置生产出合格的二代生物柴油,膨胀床反应器床层温升平缓,反应器床层压降平稳,有效地保护了固定床反应器,降低了装置运转的苛刻度,延长了装置运转周期。结论 利用闲置的固定床加氢装置改造为膨胀床/固定床加氢组合工艺生产的二代生物柴油满足产品标准的要求,装置改造工程量小,改造周期短,投资少,见效快,对国内外同类装置的改造具有良好的工业推广价值。 
关键词:  加氢装置  膨胀床/固定床加氢组合工艺  二代生物柴油 
Technical transformation and industrial application of producing second-generation biodiesel by idle hydrogenation unit
Zhang Fu1,2, Yi Jinhua2, Mei Guangjun1, Pan Weixiao1
1. School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China;2. Wuhan Jinzhong Petrochemical Engineering Co., Ltd., Wuhan, Hubei, China
Objective The second-generation biodiesel is produced through technological transformation of idle hydrogenation units to increase the application proportion of green, low-carbon and clean fuels, and practice the national strategy of carbon peaking and carbon neutralization. Methods According to the current situation of the existing idle 0.3 Mt/a coal tar hydrogenation unit in a petrochemical company, the original key equipment and high-pressure equipment are maintained as much as possible to avoid problems such as long-term manufacturing and procurement of equipment. After comprehensive consideration of multiple factors, it was decided to transform reactor 1 into expanded-bed reactor, reactor 2 was still a fixed-bed reactor, and the reactor internals and process flow were adaptively transformed. After the transformation of the unit, the process flow was the combined process flow of expanded-bed/fixed-bed hydrogenation. Results After the implementation of the transformation, the unit produced qualified second-generation biodiesel, the temperature rise of the expanded-bed reactor was gentle, the pressure drop in the reactor bed was stable, which effectively protected the fixed-bed reactor, reduced the severity of the unit operation and prolonged the unit operation cycle. Conclusion sThe second-generation biodiesel produced by transforming the idle fixed-bed hydrogenation unit into the expanded-bed/fixed-bed hydrogenation combined process meets the requirements of product standards. The unit transformation has the advantages of small quantities, short transformation cycle, less investment and quick effect. It has good industrial promotion value for the transformation of similar units at home and abroad.
Key words:  hydrogenation unit  expanded-bed/fixed-bed hydrogenation combined process  second-generation biodiesel