引用本文:李洪建,刘文举,叶浩,代星,秦芳,石闯军. 青西油田地面注水管线结垢影响因素及阻垢效果研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(2): 104-109.
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目的 解决青西油田地面注水管线结垢问题。方法 使用软件预测及室内实验研究了结垢的影响因素,选用合适的阻垢剂开展阻垢实验及阻垢剂复配实验研究。结果 从结垢预测结果得到,青西油田地面注水管线的结垢垢型主要为CaCO3垢,并含有微量的BaSO4垢。阻垢实验结果表明,阻垢剂DTPMPA、DF-501、GY-405对注水管线混合水样均具有良好的阻垢效果,且与注入水的配伍性良好。正交实验结果表明,pH值对CaCO3阻垢效果的影响最为显著,压力对CaCO3阻效果的影响最小。在复配阻垢剂总质量分数为100 mg/L的条件下,阻垢剂DTPMPA、GY-405以1∶1的质量比复配时,阻垢率为92.54%;阻垢剂DTPMPA、GY-405与DF-501以0.5∶1.0∶1.5的质量比进行复配时,阻垢率为95.76%。结论 复配后的阻垢剂将通过阻垢剂间的协同作用提高阻垢剂的阻垢性能。 
关键词:  青西油田  注水管线  结垢预测  阻垢效果  正交实验  阻垢剂复配 
Influencing factors of scale formation and scale inhibition effect of surface water injection pipeline in Qingxi Oilfield
Li Hongjian1, Liu Wenju1, Ye Hao2, Dai Xing1, Qin Fang3, Shi Chuangjun2
1. College of Oil and Gas Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Shixi Operation Area, PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Karamay, Xinjiang, China;3. PetroChina Yumen Oilfield Company, Jiuquan, Gansu, China
Objective The aim is to solve the problem of scale formation of surface water injection pipelines in Qingxi Oilfield. Methods The influencing factors of scaling were studied by software prediction and indoor laboratory experiments, and the scale inhibition and compounding of scale inhibitor experiment were carried out by selecting the appropriate scale inhibitors. Results The scaling prediction results show that the scaling type of surface water injection pipeline in Qingxi Oilfield is mainly calcium carbonate scale, and contains a trace amount of barium sulfate scale. The scale inhibition experiment results show that these scale inhibitors (DTPMPA, DF-501, GY-405) have good scale inhibition effect on the mixed water of the water injection pipeline, and have good compatibility with the injected water. The orthogonal test results show that pH value has the most significant effect on the scale inhibition and pressure has the least effect on the scale inhibition effect of calcium carbonate. When the total concentration of the compound scale inhibitor is 100 mg/L and the scale inhibitors DTPMPA and GY-405 are compounded with the mass ratio of 1∶1, the scale inhibition rate is 92.54%; When the scale inhibitors DTPMPA, GY-405 and DF-501 are compounded with the mass ratio of 0.5∶1.0∶1.5 , the scale inhibition rate is 95.76%. Conclusion After the scale inhibitors are compounded, the scale inhibition performance of the scale inhibitor will be improved through the synergy between the scale inhibitors.
Key words:  Qingxi Oilfield  water injection pipeline  scaling prediction  scale inhibition effect  orthogonal test  scale inhibitor compound