引用本文:杨冬磊,张朋岗,骆兴龙,杨晶晶,杨铜林,权威. 基于响应面法的三甘醇脱水参数优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(3): 16-23.
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目的 解决三甘醇工艺脱水效率降低及能耗偏高等问题,对操作参数进行优化。方法 采用灵敏度分析法和响应曲面法对运行参数进行优化。①采用灵敏度分析法选出富液进塔温度、重沸器温度、TEG贫液循环量、汽提气体积流量作为因素变量,以干气水露点和运行费用为响应值,通过HYSYS软件模拟计算25组试验数据;②采用响应曲面法进行分析和优化。结果 富液进塔温度和汽提气体积流量间的交互作用对干气水露点影响最显著,富液进塔温度和TEG贫液循环量间的交互作用对运行费用影响最显著,优化后的最佳工艺参数为:富液进塔温度144.28 ℃、重沸器温度205.4 ℃、TEG贫液循环量4 m3/h、汽提气体积流量 24.96 m3/h。在干气水露点满足外输要求和天然气处理量为300×104 m3/d的情况下,运行费用可降低69.33万元/年。结论 响应面法可为指导现场运行参数优化提供理论基础。 
关键词:  三甘醇  脱水  HYSYS模拟  交互作用  响应面法 
Optimization of triethylene glycol dehydration parameters based on response surface method
Yang Donglei1, Zhang Penggang1, Luo Xinglong1, Yang Jingjing2, Yang Tonglin1, Quan Wei3
1. PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company, Kuerle, Xinjiang, China;2. School of Finance and Trade, Liaoning University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China;3. CNPC Transportation Company Limited, Kuerle, Xinjiang, China
Objective sThe aim is to solve the problems of low dehydration efficiency and high energy consumption in triethylene glycol dehydration process, and optimize the operating parameters. Methods The sensitivity analysis method and response surface method were used to optimize the operating parameters. (1) Sensitivity analysis method was used to select the rich liquid entering-tower temperature, reboiler temperature, lean TEG circulation volume flow, stripping gas volume flow as factor variables, and to select dry gas water dew point and operating cost as response values, and 25 groups of test data were simulated by HYSYS software. (2) The response surface method was used to analyze and optimize these operating parameters. Results The interaction between rich liquid entering-tower temperature and stripping gas volume flow rate had the most significant influence on the dew point of dry gas water, and the interaction between rich liquid entering-tower temperature and lean TEG circulation flow rate had the most significant influence on the operating cost. The optimal process parameters were as follows:The temperature of rich liquid entering tower was 144.28 ℃, the temperature of reboiler was 205.4 ℃, the circulation flow rate of lean TEG was 4 m3/h, and the volume flow of stripping gas was 24.96 m3/h. Under the condition that the dew point of dry gas water met the requirements of external transmission and the natural gas treatment capacity was 3 000×103 m3/d, the operating cost could be reduced by 693 300 yuan per year. Conclusion sThe response surface method can be used to provide the theoretical basis of field operation parameter optimization.
Key words:  triethylene glycol  dehydration  HYSYS simulation  interaction  response surface method