引用本文:陈曦,文欣,程晓明. 天然气净化厂差压发电装置的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(3): 46-51.
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目的 天然气在运输过程中,为满足下游压力条件,需进一步调压,若能将这部分压力进行有效回收利用,对提高经济效益与减少环境污染具有重要意义。方法 基于中国石油西南油气田公司差压发电项目,详细介绍引进分厂差压发电工艺流程,在此基础上优化设备选型,并通过数据对比,分析差压发电系统的性能变化。结果 判定得到产品气进口温度、进出口压力比以及透平膨胀机内损失为主要影响参数;通过增设预热器以适当提高产品气进口温度和进出口压力比、及时更换关键零部件等操作,可有效提高发电效率。结论 不仅为天然气差压发电性能优化及关键设备选型提供了方向,在开创天然气净化行业差压发电新领域的同时,也为后续研究提供理论和实践基础。 
关键词:  回收利用  差压发电  进口温度  压力比  内损失 
Application of differential pressure power generation device in natural gas purification plant
Chen Xi, Wen Xin, Cheng Xiaoming
Introduction Branch of Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chongqing, China
Objective During the transportation of natural gas, in order to meet the downstream pressure conditions, it is necessary to further regulate the pressure. If this part of pressure can be effectively recycled, it is of great significance to improve economic benefits and reduce environmental pollution. Methods Based on the differential pressure power generation project of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, this paper introduced the process flow of differential pressure power generation of the imported branch in detail, and optimized the equipment selection on this basis. Through data comparison, the performance change of the differential pressure power generation system is analyzed. Results The main influencing parameters are determined to be the inlet temperature of the product gas, the pressure ratio between the inlet and outlet, and the internal loss of the turbine expander. By adding a preheater to appropriately increase the inlet temperature of the product gas, increase the pressure ratio between the inlet and outlet, and replace key components in a timely manner, the power generation efficiency can be effectively improved. Conclusion sThis research not only provides direction for optimizing the performance of natural gas pressure differential power generation and selecting key equipment, but also provides a theoretical and practical basis for subsequent research while pioneering a new field of differential pressure power generation in the natural gas purification industry.
Key words:  recycling  differential pressure power generation  inlet temperature  pressure ratio  internal loss