引用本文:廖忠陶. 炼油厂燃料气中C3+及H2优化回收利用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(3): 63-68.
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目的 回收利用炼厂燃料气中的C3+及H2,提高经济效益。方法 通过对不同来源的燃料气分析对比,找出其中富H2、高C3+燃料气。优化H2利用及回收流程,增加脱氢膜面积,提高H2回收量。利用催化装置和焦化装置的吸收稳定系统回收燃料气中的C3+结果 技改总投资320万元,可回收C3+ 1.23×104 t/a,增效3 000万元/年;H2回收量可增加1 050×104 m3/a,降低制氢成本1 200万元/年。结论 该方案充分利用炼厂现有吸收稳定系统及现有脱氢系统扩容,具有投资少、效益好、见效快的优点,对玉门炼化总厂高质量发展具有重要意义。 
关键词:  燃料气  H2  C3+  脱硫脱氢  吸收稳定  回收利用 
Optimized recycling of C3+ and H2 in refinery fuel gas
Liao Zhongtao
Refining & Chemical Plant of PetroChinaYumen Oilfield Company, Yumen, Gansu, China
Objective The aim is to recycle C3+ and H2 in refinery fuel gas to improve economic benefits. Methods Through the analysis and comparison of the fuel gas from different sources, the hydrogen-rich and high-level C3+ fuel gas are found out. Then the process of H2 recycling is optimized and the area of dehydrogenation membrane is increased so as to improve the amount of H2 recovery. The absorption and stabilization system of catalytic unit and coking unit is used to recover C3+ in fuel gas. Results The total investment of technological transformation is 3.2 million yuan, this can recover 12.3×103 tons of C3+ components per year,increase the benefits by 30 million yuan per year,recover H2 10.5×106 m3 per year, and reduce the cost of H2 production by 12 million yuan per year. Conclusion sThis scheme makes full use of the existing absorption and stabilization system and the existing dehydrogenation system of the refinery to expand the capacity, it has the advantages of less investment, good benefit and quick efficiency, and great significance for the high-quality development of Yumen Refining and Chemical Plant.
Key words:  fuel gas  H2  C3+  desulfurization and dehydrogenation  absorption and stabilization  recycling