引用本文:张风义,刘小鸿,廖辉,王树涛,王朔. 海上油田多元热流体吞吐气窜调剖实验研究及应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(3): 87-91, 102.
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1.中国海洋石油国际有限公司 ;2.中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司渤海石油研究院
目的 多元热流体吞吐技术是海上稠油开发的一种经济、有效的技术,但随着吞吐轮次的增加,暴露出易发生“气窜”的问题,即N2、CO2等非凝析气体容易突破到周边生产井,导致其电泵气锁关井影响生产。方法 以渤海NB稠油油田为研究对象,采用可视化实验方法,研究防止气窜的治理策略。结果 筛选出适合油田的磺酸基泡沫调堵体系,命名为QGQ-4,优化研究出最佳注入参数为质量分数0.4%、泡沫干度在60%以上、地面预制泡沫注入方式。与单纯多元热流体驱相比,泡沫辅助多元热流体驱可提高油藏波及,有效封堵气窜通道,提高平面波及系数37%。结论 研究成果现场应用后,受益井初期高峰日产油增加到措施前的1.5倍,日产油由措施前的50.5 m3增至措施后的高峰日产油75.7 m3,取得了较好的增产效果。 
关键词:  多元热流体  可视化  气窜  室内实验  泡沫 
基金项目:“十四五” 中国海洋石油总公司科研项目“渤海典型稠油油藏热采提高采收率及关键工艺技术研究”(KJGG2022-0602)
Experimental research and application of profile control for gas channeling caused by multi-thermal fluid stimulation in offshore oil field
Zhang Fengyi1, Liu Xiaohong2, Liao Hui2, Wang Shutao2, Wang Shuo2
1. China National Offshore Oil Corporation International Limited, Beijing, China;2. Bohai Petroleum Research Institute, Tianjin Branch, CNOOC China Limited, Tianjin, China
Objective Multi-thermal fluid stimulation technology uses hot water composite flue gas to heat and reduce viscosity of heavy oil. Its composition is mainly hot water, N2 and CO2. It is an economical and effective technology for the offshore heavy oil development. But with the increase of the number of channeling rounds, the problem of gas channeling has been exposed, that is, non-condensate gases such as N2 and CO2 can easily break through to peripheral production wells, resulting in the impact of electric pump gas lock on production. Methods Taking the NB oil field as the research object, the visualization experiment method was adopted to study the control strategy of preventing gas channeling. Results The QGQ-4 blocking system suitable for the oil field was selected. The optimal injection parameters were optimized for the concentration of 0.4 wt%, the foam dryness was over 60%, and the ground prefabricated foam injection method was adopted. Compared with simple multi-thermal fluid flooding, foam-assisted multi-thermal fluid flooding can improve reservoir sweep, effectively block gas channeling, and increase plane sweep coefficient by 37%. Conclusion sAfter the field application of the research results, the peak daily oil at the beginning of the beneficiary well increased to 1.5 times before adopting the measures, the daily oil production increased from 50.3 m3 to 75.7 m3 after adopting the measures, and a good increase in production was achieved.
Key words:  multi-thermal fluid  visualization  gas channeling  lab experiment  foam