引用本文:张佩颖,罗勤,周理,王宏莉. 国内天然气分析测试标准掺氢适应性探讨[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(3): 103-106, 117.
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1.中国石油西南油气田公司天然气研究院 ;2.全国天然气标准化技术委员会秘书处
目的 确认国内现行的天然气分析测试标准对掺氢天然气分析计算的适应性,以促进掺氢天然气标准化工作。方法 通过对国内天然气分析测试标准进行分析,筛选出与掺氢天然气相关的标准共10项,研究了天然气组成分析标准和物性计算标准在掺氢条件下的适应性。结果 以GB/T 13610-2020《天然气的组成分析 气相色谱法》为代表的天然气组成分析标准和以GB/T 17747.2-2011《天然气压缩因子的计算 第2部分:用摩尔组成进行计算》为代表的物性计算标准规定的氢气摩尔分数最高为10%,在高含量氢气的条件下,相关标准需要修订;若管道掺氢后下游氢气不分离,天然气互换性及其标准化亟需研究。结论 提出的标准制修订框架对今后掺氢标准化工作思路具有参考意义。 
关键词:  掺氢  天然气  长输管道  分析测试  标准化 
Applicability analysis of China's natural gas analysis and testing standards under hydrogen-blended conditions
Zhang Peiying1,2, Luo Qin1,2, Zhou Li1, Wang Hongli1
1. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Secretariat of China Natural Gas Standardization Technical Committee, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective The applicability of current China's natural gas analysis and testing standards under hydrogen-blended conditions needs to be confirmed to promote the standardization of hydrogen-blended natural gas. Methods By analyzing China's natural gas analysis and testing standards, 10 standards related to hydrogen-blended natural gas have been selected and the applicability of natural gas composition analysis standards and physical property calculation standards under hydrogen-blended conditions has been studied. Results The results show that the maximum hydrogen concentration specified by the natural gas composition analysis standard represented by GB/T 13610-2020 Analysis of natural gas composition—Gas chromatography and the physical property calculation standard represented by GB/T 17747.2-2011 Natural gas—Calculation of compression factor—Part 2:Calculation using molar-composition analysis is 10%, and the relevant standards need to be revised under the condition of high hydrogen concentration. Besides, if the hydrogen is not separated downstream, the interchangeability of natural gas and its standardization need to be studied urgently. Conclusion sThe proposed formulation and revision framework has reference significance for the future standardization work of hydrogen-blended natural gas.
Key words:  blending hydrogen  natural gas  long-distance pipelines  analysis and testing  standardization