引用本文:宋晓俊,王洪松,潘旭,尹红卫,刘文超,马超. 含汞气田低压闪蒸气脱汞试验[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(4): 9-13.
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目的 筛选出适用于含汞天然气处理站低压闪蒸气的脱汞吸附剂。方法 通过VMGSim软件模拟汞在天然气处理站中的分布,选取西部某含汞气田天然气处理站作为试验场地,设计建设了1套低压闪蒸气脱汞试验装置,并通过现场试验的方法测试了4种常用高压脱汞吸附剂在低压闪蒸系统中的脱汞效果。结果 ①采用VMGSim模拟软件模拟汞在天然气处理工艺中的分布结果与实测结果接近,对含汞天然气的设计及生产管理具有一定的指导作用;②用于高压天然气脱汞的吸附剂能满足低压闪蒸气脱汞达标排放的要求;③金属硫化物吸附剂脱汞效果明显优于活性炭吸附剂。结论 筛选出了适用于低压闪蒸气脱汞的国产吸附剂,形成了低压闪蒸气脱汞工艺技术,可为低压闪蒸气脱汞工艺提供指导和借鉴。 
关键词:  天然气  脱汞  低压闪蒸气  吸附剂  VMGSim  汞分布  金属硫化物  活性炭 
Experiment of mercury removal from low pressure flash vapor in mercury-containing gas field
Song Xiaojun, Wang Hongsong, Pan Xu, Yin Hongwei, Liu Wenchao, Ma Chao
PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company, Korla, Xinjiang, China
Objective The aim is to screen out low pressure flash vapor mercury removal adsorbent suitable for mercury-containing natural gas treatment station. Methods The distribution of mercury in natural gas processing station was simulated by VMGSim software. A natural gas treatment station of a mercury-containing gas field in western China was selected as the test site and a set of mercury removal test equipment was designed and constructed. The mercury removal effect of four kinds of common high pressure mercury removal adsorbents in the low-pressure flash system was tested by field test. Results (1) The distribution of mercury simulated by VMGSim simulation software was close to the measured results in the natural gas treatment process, which has a certain guiding role for the design and production management of mercury-containing natural gas. (2) The adsorbent used for high pressure natural gas mercury removal could meet the requirements of low pressure flash vapor mercury removal emission standards. (3) The mercury removal effect of metal sulfide adsorbent was obviously better than that of activated carbon adsorbent. Conclusion sDomestic adsorbent suitable for low pressure flash vapor mercury removal was screened out, and the low pressure flash vapor mercury removal process technology was formed, which can provide guidance and reference for low pressure flash vapor mercury removal process.
Key words:  natural gas  mercury removal  low pressure flash vapor  adsorbent  VMGSim  mercury distribution  metal sulfide  activated carbon