引用本文:覃莉,何阳东,曾正荣,赵珑昊,邓梦捷,杨庆,等. 天然气氢炭联产工艺研究进展[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(4): 48-55, 65.
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在“碳达峰和碳中和”背景下,国家对天然气的综合利用和清洁生产有更高要求。对天然气制炭工艺以及制氢工艺进行了阐述,指出传统生产工艺的弊端,即碳氢元素两者未能同时得到有效利用,造成潜在资源的浪费。而甲烷热裂解技术可以同时实现氢炭联产,且不直接排放CO2,具有显著的经济以及环境效益,因而受到广泛关注。综述了4种不同的天然气氢炭联产技术,从技术原理、工艺流程、催化体系、尾气排放等方面进行论述,并对4种技术的优缺点进行了对比。其中,熔融法和等离子体法在天然气氢炭联产过程中不产生温室气体,是较为理想的氢炭联产技术。此外,提出了天然气氢炭联产未来技术发展和攻关方向的建议。 
关键词:  天然气综合利用  熔融法  等离子体法  氢炭联产  碳中和 
Research progress of hydrogen-carbon co-production process of natural gas
Qin Li1, He Yangdong2, Zeng Zhengrong1, Zhao Longhao1, Deng Mengjie1, Yang Qing1, Chen Lu1
1. Southern Sichuan Gas District, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Luzhou, Sichuan, China;2. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Against the backdrop of "peak carbon dioxide emissions" and the pursuit of "carbon neutrality", there is an increased demand from the government for the comprehensive utilization and clean production of natural gas. This paper elucidates the procedures involving in the generation of carbon and hydrogen from natural gas, while highlighting the drawbacks of conventional production methods.The inefficient utilization of hydrogen and carbon elements leads to the squandering of potential resources. The technology of methane pyrolysis has the potential to achieve simultaneous production of hydrogen and carbon, while avoiding direct emission of carbon dioxide. This feature has garnered significant interest due to its notable economic and environmental benefits. This paper provides a summary of four distinct technologies for the co-production of hydrogen and carbon from natural gas. The technical principles, process flow, catalytic system and tail gas emission of each technology are discussed, and a comparative analysis of their respective advantages and disadvantages is presented.Two promising hydrogen-carbon co-production technologies are the melting method and plasma method,which have the advantage of not emitting greenhouse gases during their operation. These methods represent an ideal approach for hydrogen-carbon co-production of natural gas. Furthermore, this paper proposes recommendations for the prospective technical advancements and research orientations pertaining to the co-production of hydrogen and carbon from natural gas.
Key words:  natural gas comprehensive utilization  melting method  phasma method  hydrogen-carbon co-production  carbon neutrality