引用本文:何坤忆,翁帮华,焦艳军,吴潇,林青,胡学华. Hall曲线在气田水回注环境风险预警中的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(4): 122-125, 129.
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1.中国石油西南油气田公司安全环保与技术监督研究院;2.四川天宇石油环保安全技术咨询服务有限公司 ;3.中国石油西南油气田公司川中油气矿
目的 为有效控制气田水回注泄漏风险,将地下水污染环境风险防控关口前置。方法 结合回注井日常运行参数,建立了回注井Hall曲线关系,利用回注井累积注入量与Hall积分(注入压差×累计时间)的线性关系,监测回注异常工况,并应用微地震监测技术进行结果验证。结果 应用Hall曲线能更为简便直观地对回注井进行跟踪监测,消除单次注水参数变化等带来的影响,在气田水回注井地下水常规监测的基础上实现回注风险的提前预警,提高气田水回注井泄漏监测的准确性和科学性,为下一步回注井地下水环境风险预警奠定基础。结论 气田水回注应进一步建立完善以气田水回注井完整性管理为核心的地下水环境风险防控体系。 
关键词:  Hall曲线  气田水回注  环境风险  地下水  微地震监测  防控措施 
Application of Hall plot in environmental risk prevention and control of gas field water reinjection
He Kunyi1,2, Weng Banghua1,2, Jiao Yanjun1,2, Wu Xiao1, Lin Qing3, Hu Xuehua1,2
1. Research Institute of Safety, Environment Protection and Technical Supervision, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Sichuan Tianyu Petroleum Environmental Protection & Safety Technology Consulting Services Co., Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;3. Central Sichuan Oil and Gas District, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Suining, Sichuan, China
Objective In order to effectively control the leakage risk of water reinjection in the gas field, the prevention and control gate of groundwater pollution risk is put in front. Methods This study established the Hall plot of the reinjection well combined with the daily operation parameters. The linear relationship between the cumulative injection volume of the reinjection well and Hall integral (injection pressure difference×cumulative time) was used to monitor abnormal reinjection conditions. The application of microseismic monitoring technology also verify the results. Results The application of Hall plot can track and monitor the reinjection wells more easily and visually, eliminate the influence of changes in single injection parameters, realize the early warning of reinjection risk on the basis of routine monitoring on underground water in the water reinjection wells, improve the accuracy and scientificity of leakage monitoring on the reinjection wells in gas field, and lay a foundation for the early warning of underground water environmental risk in the reinjection wells in the following step. Conclusion s The groundwater environmental risk prevention and control system with the integrity management of gas field water reinjection wells as the core should be further established and improved.
Key words:  Hall plot  gas field water reinjection  environmental risk  underground water  microseismic monitoring  prevention and control measures