引用本文:彭国峰. 硫磺回收装置节能降耗分析与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(4): 130-134.
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目的 通过技术改造和优化操作参数,降低硫磺回收联合装置能耗。方法 ①通过分析装置能耗现状,以装置在节能降耗方面所存在的典型问题为突破口,采取技术改造;②通过优化汽提操作参数,提高净化水质量。结果 ①降低了装置1.2 MPa蒸汽和0.4 MPa蒸汽消耗量;②有效提高了净化水综合利用率,降低了全厂生产水和除盐水消耗及污水排放量。结论 装置经技术改造后,综合能耗由原来的1 000 kgEO/t(1 kgEO/t=41.87 MT/t)降至目前的660 kgEO/t,净化水回用率由原来的40.0%提高至目前的83.5%。 
关键词:  硫磺回收  节能降耗  汽提  蒸汽消耗 
Analysis and application of energy saving and consumption reduction in sulfur recovery unit
Peng Guofeng
PetroChina Sichuan Petrochemical Company Limited, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective The purpose is to reduce energy consumption of the sulfur recovery unit through technological transformation and optimization of operating parameters. Methods (1) By analyzing the current energy consumption status of the unit, the technical transformation is adopted to solve the typical problems in energy saving and consumption reduction; (2) The quality of purified water is improved by optimizing stripping operation parameters. Results The technical transformation has obtained the following results:(1) Reducing the consumption of 1.2 MPa steam and 0.4 MPa steam in the device; (2) Effectively improving the comprehensive utilization rate of purified water, and reducing the consumption of production water and desalinated water as well as sewage discharge throughout the plant. Conclusion sAfter technological transformation, the comprehensive energy consumption of the unit has decreased from the original 1 000 kgEO/t to the current 660 kgEO/t, and the reuse rate of purified water has increased from the original 40.0% to the current 83.5%.
Key words:  sulfur recovery  energy saving and consumption reduction  stripping  steam consumption