引用本文:蒋文明,韩晨玉,刘杨,李玉星,刘翠伟. 碳中和背景下氢气纯化技术研究进展[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(5): 38-49.
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关键词:  高纯氢  纯化  分离    吸附 
Hydrogen purification technology research progress in the background of carbon neutrality
Jiang Wenming1,2, Han Chenyu1,2, Liu Yang1,2, Li Yuxing1,2, Liu Cuiwei1,2
1. Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Safety, Qingdao, Shandong, China;2. College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao, Shandong, China
As an efficient zero-carbon energy source, hydrogen energy has great potential for future development. It is considered to be an important driving force for transforming new energy sources in the background of carbon neutrality. Because the hydrogen produced by the current mainstream hydrogen production method contains impurities, purification and separation technology is critical in using hydrogen energy. Pure hydrogen can be used in various industrial fields. This paper describes the impurity components contained in hydrogen-rich raw gas obtained by various hydrogen production technologies, and reviews the research status of five commonly used hydrogen purification technologies, such as pressure swing adsorption, low-temperature separation, metal hydride, membrane separation, and solvent absorption, as well as introduces the new hydrogen purification technology using a supersonic separation device. Meanwhile, this paper also analyzes the process flow, equipment, application conditions, purification effect, advantages and disadvantages of each hydrogen purification technology, and clarifies the challenges faced by each purification technology and current research hotspots. Finally, it summarizes various hydrogen purification technologies, and proposes the future development trend and research direction of hydrogen purification technology, which provides a valuable reference for obtaining optimizedly more efficient and economical hydrogen purification technology.
Key words:  high-purity hydrogen  purification  separation  membrane  adsorption