引用本文:杨淑萍,李博,张岩,杨利斌,孟宏. 多产丙烯的裂解原料及工艺条件优选[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(5): 59-63.
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目的 从石脑油资源中优选多产丙烯的裂解原料和工艺条件。方法 采用美国KBR公司的实验室蒸汽热裂解评价装置(BSPA),对6种不同产地石脑油的原料组成和不同工艺条件下裂解产物中丙烯收率进行比较分析。结果 中国石油乌鲁木齐石化公司(以下简称乌石化)石脑油的丙烯收率最高,为16.19%,对比原料组成,其异构烷烃的质量分数也最高,为52.58%;中国石油兰州石化公司(以下简称兰州石化)2#罐区石脑油在停留时间100 ms、水油质量比0.6、裂解温度860 ℃的条件下,丙烯收率为15.50%。结论 异构烷烃质量分数高的石脑油裂解可多产丙烯,且在不追求双烯(乙烯+丙烯)收率最大化的前提下,低裂解温度、高水油质量比有利于丙烯收率的提高。同时根据不同产地的石脑油的经济效益估算结果发现,多产丙烯的石脑油原料优选要结合双烯及三烯(双烯+1,3丁二烯)收率、能耗、烯烃市场价格及结焦等因素,以期获得最大的经济效益。 
关键词:  丙烯  裂解原料  工艺条件  优选 
基金项目:中国石油项目 “大型乙烯基地设计技术升级与优化增效技术开发应用,课题1:大型乙烯装置成套技术推广应用与升级” (2017E-09(GF))
Optimal selection of cracking feedstock and process conditions for high yield of propylene
Yang Shuping1, Li Bo1, Zhang Yan2, Yang Libin1, Meng Hong1
1. Lanzhou Petrochemical Research Center, PetroChina Petrochemical Research Institute, Lanzhou, Gansu, China;2. PetroChina Sichuan Petrochemical Company Limited, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective The cracking feedstock and the process conditions are optimized for producing more propylene from naphtha resources. Methods The cracking feedstock and the yield of propylene in the cracking product of naphtha from six different producing areas under different process conditions were compared and analyzed by using the bench scale pyrolysis apparatus(BSPA) of KBR company. Results Urumqi Petrochemical company naphtha has the highest yield of propylene, which is 16.19%. Compared with the raw material composition, it also has the highest mass fraction of isoalkanes, which is 52.58%. Under the conditions of residence time 100 ms, water-oil mass ratio 0.6 and cracking temperature 860 ℃, the propylene yield of naphtha in No.2 tank farm of Lanzhou Petrochemical company is 15.50%. Conclusion sThe naphtha with high quality fraction of isoalkane may produce more propylene. At the same time, under the premise of not pursuing the maximum yield of ethylene and propylene, relatively low cracking temperature and high water-oil mass ratio are conducive to the improvement of the yield of propylene. According to the economic benefit estimation results of naphtha from different producing areas, it is found that in the selection of naphtha cracking feedstock for productive propylene, factors such as the yield of ethylene, propylene and butadiene, energy consumption,market price of olefin, and coking problem should be combined in order to obtain the maximum economic benefit.
Key words:  propylene  cracking feedstock  process conditions  optimal selection