引用本文:于劲磊,文明,蒋国斌,蒙恬,王红娟,周鑫,等. 烧结温度对掺加二次铝灰及钻井岩屑制备陶粒支撑剂性能的影响[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(5): 86-90.
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1.中国石油西南油气田公司安全环保与技术监督研究院;2.页岩气评价与开采四川省重点实验室 ;3.国家管网集团西南管道有限责任公司建设项目管理中心;4.中国石油西南油气田公司开发事业部
目的 钻井岩屑作为油气开发过程中所产生的固体废物,产生量巨大且资源化利用途径单一。使用钻井岩屑及二次铝灰协同制备水力压裂用陶粒支撑剂,不仅可有效拓宽钻井岩屑资源化利用途径,而且还可降低油气开发生产成本。方法 采用二级铝矾土为主要原料,添加质量分数分别为20%的钻井岩屑和10%的二次铝灰,甲基纤维素作为黏结剂,于不同烧结温度下制备了低密度高强度压裂用陶粒支撑剂,研究烧结温度对支撑剂结构、晶相组成及其产品性能的影响。结果 钻井岩屑须经预处理,以降低岩屑中有机物对后续生胚烧结的影响。当烧结温度为1 300 ℃时,其主晶相为刚玉,次晶相为钡长石,支撑剂的体积密度为1.45 g/cm3,52 MPa闭合压力下破碎率为5.26%,满足SY/T 5108-2014《水力压裂和砾石充填作业用支撑剂性能测试方法》对0.38 mm/0.25 mm支撑剂的质量要求。结论 烧结温度是制备陶粒支撑剂的关键控制参数。随着烧结温度的增加,支撑剂内部产生的液相将逐渐增多,有利于加快扩散和增大传质速率,促进支撑剂的致密化,但过多的液相则会导致支撑剂膨胀变形,对抗破碎能力产生不利影响。以钻井岩屑、铝灰、铝矾土为原料,适宜的烧结温度建议为1 260~1 300 ℃。 
关键词:  陶粒支撑剂  钻井岩屑  铝灰  烧结温度  破碎率  体积密度 
Effect of sintering temperature on properties of ceramic proppant prepared by mixed with secondary aluminum ash and drilling cuttings
Yu Jinlei1,2, Wen Ming1,2, Jiang Guobin1,2, Meng Tian1,2, Wang Hongjuan1,2, Zhou Xin3, Zhu Dongchang4
1. Safety, Environment and Technology Supervision Research Institute of PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Sichuan Key Laboratory of Evaluation and Exploitation of Shale Gas, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;3. Construction Project Management Center, PipeChina Southwest Pipeline Co., Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;4. Development Division of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective In view of the large amount of solid waste in the process of oil and gas development and the single way of resource utilization, the ceramic proppant for hydraulic fracturing was prepared by drilling cuttings and secondary aluminum ash, which can effectively broaden the way of resource utilization of drilling cuttings and reduce the production cost of oil and gas development. Methods The low density and high strength ceramic proppant for fracturing was prepared mainly by secondary bauxite, adding 20 wt% drilling cuttings, 10 wt% secondary aluminum ash and methylcellulose as binder at different sintering temperatures. The effects of sintering temperature on the structure, crystal phase composition and product properties of proppant were studied. Results The drilling cuttings need to be pretreated to reduce the effect of organic matter in the drilling cuttings on the subsequent raw embryo sintering. When the sintering temperature was 1 300 ℃, its primary crystalline phase was corundum and secondary crystalline phase was barium feldspar, the bulk density of the proppant was 1.45 g/cm3 and the crushing rate was 5.26% under 52 MPa closure pressure, which could meet the quality requirements of 0.38 mm/0.25 mm proppant under SY/T 5108-2014 Measurement of properties of proppants used in hydraulic fracturing and gravel-packing operations. Conclusion sSintering temperature is a critical control parameter for preparing ceramics proppant. With the increase of sintering temperature, the liquid phase produced inside the proppant gradually increase, which is conducive to accelerate the diffusion and the mass transfer rate, and promote the densification of the proppant. But excessive liquid phase will lead to the expansion and deformation of the proppant and adversely affect the crushing ability. The suitable sintering temperature is recommended to be 1 260-1 300 ℃ when using drilling chips, aluminum ash and bauxite as raw materials.
Key words:  ceramic proppant  drilling cuttings  aluminum ash  sintering temperature  crushing rate  bulk density