引用本文:孙华忠,李忠慧,熊青山,唐川富,王晓燕,李玉波. 分解促进剂对水合物力学的特性影响分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(6): 66-73.
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1.油气钻采工程湖北省重点实验室(长江大学) ;2.长江大学石油工程学院油气钻完井技术国家工程研究中心
目的 在不同类型的分解促进剂作用下多级降压开采天然气水合物,研究水合物分解的力学性质对储层稳定性的影响。方法 采用不同有效围压、不同分解促进剂及其不同含量、焖井时间等多因素,通过多级降压分解,水合物沉积物储层岩石力学稳定性性能影响效果评价和规律分析。结果 随着降压分解,水合物饱和度降低,抗剪强度和弹性模量逐渐降低,甲烷水合物沉积物呈脆性破坏。结论 分解剂含量越大,对水合物的力学影响越大;注入含量越大,焖井时间越长,水合物强度越低,分解剂对水合物强度减弱的效果越明显;醇类分解剂(乙二醇)比盐类分解剂(CaCl2)开采水合物更容易减弱水合物试样的强度,降低储层稳定性。 
关键词:  水合物分解  抗剪强度  分解剂  应力-应变关系  一体化试验设备 
Influence analysis of decomposition promoter on the mechanical properties of hydrate
Sun Huazhong1,2, Li Zhonghui1,2, Xiong Qingshan1,2, Tang Chuanfu1,2, Wang Xiaoyan1,2, Li Yubo1,2
1. Hubei Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Drilling and Production Engineering, Yangtze University, Wuhan, Hubei, China;2. School of Petroleum Engineering, Yangtze University:National Engineering Research Center for Oil & Gas Drilling and Completion Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Objective The effect of mechanical properties of hydrate decomposition on reservoir stability was studied by multi-stage depressurization of gas hydrate under the action of different types of decomposition promoters. Methods The effect evaluation and law analysis of rock mechanics stability of hydrate sediment reservoir are carried out by using multiple factors such as different effective confining pressures, different decomposition agents and their concentrations, soaking time, and through multi-level depressurization decomposition. Results With the pressure drops and decomposition, hydrate saturation, shear strength and elastic modulus decrease gradually, and methane hydrate sediments show brittle failure. Conclusion sThe higher the concentration of decomposition agent is, the greater the influence on hydrate mechanics is caused. The higher the injection concentration is, the longer the soak time is, the lower the hydrate strength is, and the more obvious the effect of the decomposition agent on reducing the hydrate strength is. Alcohol decomposition agent (ethylene glycol) is easier to weaken the strength of hydrate samples and to reduce reservoir stability than salt decomposition agent (CaCl2) during hydrate production.
Key words:  hydrate decomposition  shear strength  decomposition agent  stress-strain relationship  integrated test equipment