引用本文:徐磊,汪云福,刘楚茹,唐永帆,吴文莉,田源,等. 气田集输系统内腐蚀数据治理研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(6): 79-84, 92.
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1.中国石油西南油气田公司天然气研究院;2.中国石油西南油气田公司 ;3.中国石油西南油气田燃气分公司;4.中国石油大学(北京)机械与储运工程学院
目的 内腐蚀数据治理是实现腐蚀控制管理业务数字化转型的重要前提,在现阶段内腐蚀数据来源不一、数据入库格式不统一、数据出现异常等背景下,引入内腐蚀数据治理能够高效解决腐蚀业务管理与数据管理脱节、数据标准化程度低以及数据质量难以控制等问题。方法 分析探究了中国石油西南油气田公司(以下简称西南油气田)地面集输系统各生产环节的内腐蚀数据采集管理现状、数据治理流程以及数据治理成效,并基于西南油气田腐蚀数据与控制管理平台展示重点区块的内腐蚀数据入库情况。结果 ①通过制定内腐蚀数据标准和管理办法,规范了数据入库格式,提高了数据共享能力,降低了数据沟通成本,确保了各类数据及时、准确、完整、规范入库;②通过箱形图对内腐蚀数据开展异常数据识别研究,识别准确率达到88.3%,实现了内腐蚀数据质量的高效校准,提高了腐蚀数据分析评价结果的可信度;③基于内腐蚀数据入库研究,2022年完成了205个场站以及233条管线的数据入库,有助于全面了解西南油气田各气矿场站及管线的腐蚀情况;④基于治理后的内腐蚀数据,围绕腐蚀预测、风险评估和整体腐蚀控制进行了腐蚀数据决策支持研究,提高了数据的有效利用率。结论 内腐蚀数据治理的持续推进能够支撑西南油气田腐蚀控制管理业务数字化转型,为西南油气田全业务链数字化一体协同模式的构建奠定坚实基础。 
关键词:  内腐蚀数据  数据治理  腐蚀控制管理业务  西南油气田  地面集输系统 
Internal corrosion data governance in gas field gathering and transportation system
Xu Lei1, Wang Yunfu2, Liu Churu3, Tang Yongfan1, Wu Wenli2, Tian Yuan1, Yu Pengfei4
1. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;3. Gas Company of Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company PetroChina;4. College of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing, China
Objective Internal corrosion data governance is an important prerequisite for realizing the digital transformation of corrosion control and management business. At present, under the background of different sources of corrosion data, inconsistent data storage formats, and abnormal data, internal corrosion data governance is introduced which can efficiently solve the problems of disconnection between corrosion business management and data management, low standardization of data and difficult control of data quality. Methods This paper explored and analysed the current situation of internal corrosion data collection and management, the data governance process, and the data governance effectiveness in the surface gathering and transportation system of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company (hereinafter referred to as Southwest Oil & Gasfield), and combine the corrosion data and control management platform of Southwest Oil & Gasfield to show the storage situation of the internal corrosion data in the key blocks. Results (1) Through the formulation of internal corrosion data standards and management methods, the data entry format is standardized, the data sharing capability is improved, the data communication costs are reduced, and the timely, accurate, complete and standardized entry of various types of data is ensured; (2) abnormal data identification research is carried out on the internal corrosion data through the box diagram, and the identification accuracy rate reaches 88.3%, which realizes the efficient calibration of the internal corrosion data quality and improves the credibility of the corrosion data analysis and evaluation results; (3) based on the study of internal corrosion data entry, the data entry of 205 field stations and 233 pipelines was completed in 2022, it is helpful to fully display the corrosion situation of gas stations and pipelines in Southwest Oil & Gasfield; (4) based on the internal corrosion data after the treatment, the decision-making support research of corrosion data is carried out around corrosion prediction, risk assessment and overall pipeline corrosion control, and the effective utilization rate of data is improved. Conclusion sThe continuous promotion of internal corrosion data governance can support the digital transformation of corrosion control and management business in Southwest Oil & Gasfield, and lay a solid foundation for the construction of a digital integrated collaborative model of the entire business chain of Southwest Oil & Gasfield.
Key words:  internal corrosion data  data governance  corrosion control management business  Southwest Oil & Gasfield  surface gathering and transportation system