引用本文:杨宗政,董迎春,李芳,吴志国,张忠园. 油水预分离设备的模拟设计及优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(6): 124-130.
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目的 石油开采及运输过程中产生的含油污水中大多含有泥-砂等固体颗粒,为了提高油、水、砂混合液的分离速率,设计了一种一体化的油、水、砂预分离设备,并对其进行实际能力测试。方法 基于正交试验使用数值模拟方法对设备的旋流油水分离单元进行了结构参数优化,并探究了最佳操作条件,通过实例验证模拟的结果是否准确、设计的设备尺寸是否可行。结果 通过正交试验模拟优化出的旋流器主直径为66.5 mm,溢流口直径为4.6 mm,底流口直径为14 mm,大锥角为20°。在该尺寸下进行了最佳操作条件的探究,当油相体积分数为10%时:模拟得到最佳入口流速为15 m/s,溢流分流比为15%,除油效率为83.1%;实例试验的最佳入口流速为15 m/s,溢流分流比在15%~20%之间,除油效率为79%。结论 数值模拟的结果与实验结果基本一致,优化的设备能够满足油水分离预处理的要求,具有良好的应用前景。 
关键词:  油水预分离  油水砂混合液  旋液分离器  数值模拟 
基金项目:天津市科技计划项目“耐油耐盐菌筛选及在港口污水处理中的生物强化研究”(20YDTPJC01820);天津港科技计划项目“天津港港区高盐高油污水处理工艺改造及运行研究” (2020-199)
Simulation design and optimization of oil water pre separation equipment
Yang Zongzheng1,2, Dong Yingchun1, Li Fang1, Wu Zhiguo2, Zhang Zhongyuan3
1. College of Marine and Environmental Sciences, Tianjin University of Science & Technology, Tianjin, China;2. College of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Tianjin University of Science & Technology, Tianjin, China;3. Tianjin Tanggu Xinyu Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd, Tianjin, China
Objective In order to improve the separation rate of oil-water-sand mixed liquid in the process of oil exploitation and transportation, an integrated oil-water-sand pre-separation equipment was designed and its practical capability was tested. Methods Based on the orthogonal test, the structural parameters of the cyclone oil-water separation unit were optimized by numerical simulation method, and the optimum operating conditions were explored. The accuracy of simulation results and the feasibility of designed equipment size were verified by an example. Results Structural parameters of the oil-water-sand pre-separation equipment were determined as follows: the main diameter of the cyclone of 66.5 mm, the overflow port diameter of 4.6 mm, the bottom flow port diameter of 14 mm, and the large cone angle of 20°. The optimal operating conditions under this size were identified with the oil phase volume fraction of the mixed liquid was set at 10%. The simulation demonstrated that the optima inlet flow rate, the overflow split ratio, and the oil removal efficiency was 15 m/s, 15%, and 83.1%, respectively, while the corresponding values were 15 m/s, 15%-20%, and 79% in real tests. Conclusion sThe results of numerical simulation were consistent with the experimental results. The optimized equipment can satisfy the requirements of oil-water separation pretreatment and has great application prospects.
Key words:  oil-water pre-separation  oil-water-sand mixed liquid  rotary liquid separator  numerical simulation