引用本文:陈禹霏,辛靖,马致远,曲顺利,韩龙年,张海洪,等. 劣质催化柴油加氢裂化预精制催化剂的开发及工业应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(1): 29-35.
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目的 为进一步应对压减柴汽比和多产化工原料的市场需求,以及解决柴油加氢装置掺炼更高比例催化柴油等劣质原料所带来的原料中硫、氮和芳烃含量进一步升高的难题,开展相关研究。方法 在优化催化剂载体、助剂、活性金属配比、浸渍方式等制备工艺的基础上,中海油化工与新材料科学研究院开发了劣质柴油加氢裂化预精制催化剂CHT-1。结果 与市售参比催化剂相比,CHT-1具有更优异的加氢脱氮和脱芳烃活性,在同等的加氢脱氮率下,反应温度至少降低10 ℃。中试评价结果表明,CHT-1具有良好的原料适应性,在6.4 MPa和10.0 MPa下具有良好的活性稳定性及重生性能。结论 工业生产的CHT-1催化剂在某炼厂劣质催化柴油加氢装置上进行工业应用,其标定结果表明,CHT-1催化剂具有优异的催化活性,对劣质柴油具有良好的原料适应性。 
关键词:  劣质催化柴油  加氢裂化  预精制催化剂 
Development and industrial application of hydrocracking prerefining catalyst for inferior catalytic diesel
CHEN Yufei1, XIN Jing1, MA Zhiyuan2, QU Shunli1, HAN Longnian1, ZHANG Haihong1, YANG Guoming1, FAN Wenxuan1
1. CNOOC Institute of Chemicals and Advanced Materials, Beijing, China;2. CNOOC Zhongjie Petrochemicals Co., Ltd., Cangzhou, Hebei, China
Objective The study was carried in order to further meet the market demand of reducing the ratio of diesel to gasoline and producing more chemical raw material and solve the problem that the content of sulfur, nitrogen and aromatics int the raw materials increased by mixing higher proportion of catalytic diesel and other inferior raw materials in diesel hydrogenation unit. Methods On the basis of optimizing the preparation process of catalyst support, auxiliary agent, active metal ratio and impregnation method, the CNOOC Institute of Chemicals and Advanced Materials developed hydrocracking prerefining catalyst CHT-1 for inferior diesel. Results Compared with the commercial reference catalyst, CHT-1 had better hydrodenitrification activity and hydrodearomatization activity and the reaction temperature was reduced by at least 10 ℃ at the same hydrodenitrification rate. The pilot evaluation results showed that CHT-1 had excellent feedstock adaptability, excellent activity stability and regeneration performance at 6.4 MPa and 10.0 MPa. Conclusion sThe industrial CHT-1 catalyst had been used in an inferior catalytic diesel hydrogenation unit, and the calibration results show that CHT-1 catalyst has excellent catalytic activity and good adaptability for inferior diesel.
Key words:  inferior catalytic diesel  hydrocracking  prerefining catalyst