引用本文:杨俊,宋云平,张林平. 连续重整装置生产优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(1): 41-46.
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目的 提高苯、甲苯和二甲苯(“三苯”)产品的质量与收率,降低装置能耗。方法 采用PETRO-SIM流程模拟软件,对不同初馏点下的重整原料进行模拟计算;采用Aspen软件模拟优化二甲苯塔操作参数。结果 重整进料较为理想的初馏点为82 ℃,通过调整预分馏塔操作条件,重整进料中C5组分质量分数下降了0.79个百分点;通过实施重整反应温度分段控制,重整生成油中甲基环戊烷质量分数下降了0.16个百分点,C6~C8芳烃质量分数提高了2.28个百分点;利用近红外在线分析技术,实时分析数据并动态调整操作,二甲苯收率由22.27%提高至28.50%;Aspen软件模拟结果表明,二甲苯塔的3 ℃异构级二甲苯收率由23.20%提高至25.60%。结论 通过生产优化,实现了装置自控水平提升、“三苯”等芳烃产品收率和质量双提升及能耗降低的“三升一降”增效目标,对同类装置芳烃产品的生产具有借鉴意义。 
关键词:  连续重整  分子炼油  近红外分析  流程模拟  “三苯”收率 
Production optimization of continuous reforming unit
YANG Jun, SONG Yunping, ZHANG Linping
PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Company, Lanzhou, Gausu, China
Objective The aim is to improve the qualities and yields of benzene, toluene, xylene(BTX) products and reduce the energy consumption of the unit. Methods The PETRO-SIM process simulation software was used to simulate and calculate the reforming raw materials at different initial boiling points. Aspen software was used to simulate and optimize the operating parameters of xylene tower. Results The ideal initial boiling point for the reforming feed was 82 ℃. By adjusting the operating conditions of the pre fractionation tower, the C5 component mass fraction in the reforming feed decreased by 0.79 percentage points. By implementing segmented control of reforming reaction temperature, the residual amount of methylcyclopentane in the reformed oil decreased by 0.16 percentage points, and the mass fraction of C6-C8 aromatics increased by 2.28 percentage points. The near-infrared online analysis technology was utilized to analyze data in real-time and dynamically adjust operations, the yield of xylene increased from 22.27% to 28.50%. By using Aspen software to simulate and optimize the operating parameters of the xylene tower, the yield of isomeric grade xylene at 3 ℃ increased from 23.20% to 25.60%. Conclusion sThrough production optimization, the "three increases and one decrease" efficiency goal of improving the automatic control level of the device, improving the yield and quality of aromatic products such as BTX, and reducing energy consumption has been achieved, which has reference significance for the production of aromatic products in similar devices.
Key words:  continuous reforming  molecular oil refining  near-infrared analysis  process simulation  BTX yield