引用本文:苗海龙,马跃,石钊睿,邱正松. 微芯片技术在油气田井下漏层定位中的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(1): 77-82.
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1.中国石油大学(华东)石油工程学院 ;2.中海油田服务股份有限公司油田化学事业部;3.浙江探芯科技有限公司
目的 准确地定位油气田开发过程中的井漏位置,为制定堵漏措施提供支持,提高堵漏的成功率。方法 由于漏失层位大量钻井液漏失会造成该位置温度变化异常,通过一种搭载微芯片的微型井下测量球状仪在井内循环,获取井下温度、压力分布数据,然后基于这些数据掌握井下温度分布规律,并与理想的温度分布规律进行对比,从而比较准确地定位漏失点位置。结果 通过捕获井口返出的微芯片,获取井内温度压力数据,然后再对温度梯度变化数据进行平滑处理,最终能够基于数据分析出较为准确的漏失层位。结论 基于微芯片测量数据来定位漏失点是一种针对井下漏失情况诊断的新型、低成本且便捷的方法,为创新型井下测量微芯片的应用提供了一个非常有价值和代表性的场景。 
关键词:  微芯片  温度分布  漏点判断  井漏 
Application of microchip technology in the location of downhole circulation loss layer in oil and gas fields
MIAO Hailong1,2, MA Yue2, SHI Zhaorui3, QIU Zhengsong1
1. School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, Shandong, China;2. Department of Oilfield Chemistry, China Oilfield Services Limited., Yanjiao, Hebei, China;3. Zhejiang Tanxin Technology Co., Ltd., Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
Objective The purpose of this study is to accurately locate the circulation loss layer during the drilling of oil and gas fields, and provide support for the control of loss, improve the success rate of curing loss. Methods Due to the abnormal temperature change caused by a large amount of drilling fluid loss in the circulation loss layer, a downhole measuring ball equipped with a microchip was circulated in the well to obtain downhole temperature and pressure distribution data, and then the downhole temperature distribution law was established based on these data, compared with the ideal temperature distribution law, which can more accurately locate the circulation loss layer. Results The experiment shows that the temperature and pressure data in the well can be obtained by capturing the microchips returned from the wellhead, and then the temperature gradient change data can be smoothed, and the more accurate loss zone can be analyzed by using the data. Conclusion Locating leakage points based on microchip measurement data is a new, low-cost and convenient method for downhole leakage diagnosis, which is a very valuable and representative application scenario of innovative downhole measurement microchips.
Key words:  microchip  temperature distribution  location of the circulation loss layer  lost circulation