引用本文:高洁,唐善法,程远鹏. 产电微生物对SMFC产电及降解性能的影响[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(1): 123-128.
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1.长江大学石油工程学院;2. 油气钻采工程湖北省重点实验室(长江大学)
目的 在以含油污泥为阳极底泥的沉积型微生物燃料电池(SMFC)体系中,通过改变产电微生物种类和分布方式,探究产电微生物对SMFC产电及降解性能的影响。方法 通过采集输出电压、功率密度、表观内阻来检测石油去除率,比较了不同单菌-SMFC、不同混合菌-SMFC的产电性能和降解性能,考查了菌种分布对SMFC性能的影响。结果 在单菌-SMFC中,弗氏柠檬酸杆菌-SMFC的产电及降解性能均优于其他5种单菌构筑的SMFC;混合菌-SMFC的产电及降解性能较单菌-SMFC有较大提升,且其中蜡样芽孢杆菌+中间苍白杆菌-SMFC的产电及降解性能最优,输出电压可达到515.30 mV;菌种分布在阳极材料中和阳极底泥中都可以降解含油污泥中的有机物,但是菌种分布在阳极材料中更有利于SMFC产电性能及降解性能的发挥。结论 混合菌相对于单菌能够显著提升SMFC的产电及降解性能,而且菌种分布在阳极材料中更有益于SMFC产电性能及降解性能的发挥。 
关键词:  沉积型微生物燃料电池  含油污泥  产电微生物  单菌  混合菌  菌种分布 
Effects of electrogenic microorganisms on the electricity generation and degradation performance of SMFC
GAO Jie1,2, TANG Shanfa1,2, CHENG Yuanpeng1,2
1. College of Petroleum Engineering, Yangtze University, Wuhan, Hubei, China;2. Hubei Province Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Drilling and Production Engineering (Yangtze University), Wuhan, Hubei, China
Objective The aim is to investigate the effect of electrogenic microorganisms on the electricity generation and perforinances of sediment microbial fuel cell(SMFC) battery system using oily sludge as anode sludge by changing the types and distribution patterns of electricity-producing microorganisms. Methods The output voltage, power density and apparent internal resistance were collected. The oil removal rate was measured, and the electricity generation and degradation properties of SMFC and SMFC were compared, and the effects of different strains on the properties of SMFC were investigated. Results In the single bacteria SMFC, Citrobacter Frei SMFC had better electricity generation and degradation performances than the other five single bacteria SMFC. The electricity generation and degradation performance of mixed bacteria-SMFC were significantly improved comparing with that of single bacteria-SMFC, and Bacillus cereus+Bacillus palpis intermediate-SMFC had the best electricity generation and degradation performance, and the output voltage could reach 515.30 mV. The distribution of the bacteria around the anode material and in the anode bottom mud could degrade the organic matter in the oily sludge, but the distribution of the bacteria in the anode material is more conducive to the performance of SMFC's electricity generation and degradation. Conclusion Mixed bacteria could significantly improve the electricity generation and degradation performance of SMFC when comparing with single bacteria, and the distribution of bacteria on the anode material is more beneficial to the electricity generation and degradation performance of SMFC.
Key words:  sediment microbial fuel cell(SMFC)  oily sludge  electrogenic microorganism  single bacteria  mixed bacteria  strain distribution