引用本文:杨国明,王连英,刘孝川,韩龙年,张海洪,王宁. 焦化汽柴油加氢捕硅剂的制备及性能评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(2): 23-27.
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目的 脱除焦化汽柴油馏分中的有机硅化合物,避免催化剂硅中毒。方法 以拟薄水铝石粉为载体制备原料,镍钼为活性金属组分,采用等体积浸渍法制备了加氢捕硅剂,利用N2吸附脱附、X射线衍射、吡啶红外光谱、扫描电镜等方法对其进行分析表征,并在200 mL加氢中试装置上考查了捕硅剂的脱硅活性和2 000 h活性稳定性。结果 自主开发的捕硅剂比表面积和孔容较高,酸性适宜,活性金属分布均匀,强度满足工业装置装填要求。捕硅剂的脱硅活性较高,在典型的工业条件下,脱硅率>90%,在2 000 h活性稳定性试验过程中,脱硅率稳定>90%,活性稳定性良好,且具有较高的容硅能力。结论 自主开发的捕硅剂具有广阔的工业应用前景,对清洁燃料的生产及保护装置的长周期稳定运行具有十分重要的意义。 
关键词:  焦化汽柴油  加氢捕硅剂  脱硅  物性分析  中试装置 
Preparation and performance evaluation of hydrogenated silicon trap catalyst for coking gasoline and diesel
YANG Guoming1, WANG Lianying1, LIU Xiaochuan2, HAN Longnian1, ZHANG Haihong1, WANG Ning1
1. CNOOC Institute of Chemicals & Advanced Materials, Qingdao, Shandong, China;2. CNOOC Huizhou Petrochemical Company Limited, Huizhou, Guangdong, China
Objective The aim is to remove organic silicon compounds in coking gasoline and diesel fractions and protect the catalysts from silicon poisoning. Methods The hydrogenated silicon trap catalyst was prepared by using pseudo-boehmite powder as the carrier materials and Ni-Mo as the active metal components by the equal volume impregnation process, and the catalyst was characterized by using N2 adsorption-desorption, X-ray diffraction, pyridine infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy. The desilication activity and 2 000 h activity stability of the silicon trap catalyst were investigated on a 200 mL hydrogenation pilot device. Results The self-developed silicon trap catalyst had a high specific surface and pore volume and suitable acidity, with uniform distribution of active metals and strength meeting the loading requirements of industrial units. The silicon trap catalyst had high desilication activity. Under typical industrial conditions, the desilication rate was greater than 90%. During the 2 000 h activity stability test, the desilication rate was greater than 90% steadily, indicating good activity stability and high silicon capacity. Conclusion sThe self-developed silicon trap catalyst has broad industrial application prospects and is of great significance for clean fuel production and long-term stable operation of the units.
Key words:  coking gasoline and diesel  hydrogenated silicon trap catalyst  desilication  property analysis  pilot device