引用本文:陈岳飞,肖克,王朝阳,朱日龙,邹军. 电催化水分解催化剂的研究进展[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(2): 62-70.
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为了解决工业革命带来的能源短缺和环境污染问题,亟需寻找可持续、清洁、高效的能源,氢气的燃烧产物只有水,是一种可替代化石燃料的无污染、可再生的理想清洁能源。通过电催化水分解制氢可实现零碳排放,被认为是最清洁和可持续的方法。总结了电催化析氢反应和析氧反应催化剂的研究进展,概述了其内在反应原理以及提高催化剂电催化水分解性能的设计方法,从贵金属基催化剂和非贵金属催化剂两方面展开讨论,介绍了增强催化剂电催化水分解活性的方法及目前催化剂面临的挑战,并对研究前景进行了展望。 
关键词:  电催化水分解  制氢  电催化剂  析氢反应  析氧反应 
Research progress of electrocatalytic catalysts for water splitting
CHEN Yuefei1, XIAO Ke1, WANG Zhaoyang2, ZHU Rilong2, ZOU Jun2
1. Hunan Provincial Institute of Metrology and Testing, Changsha, Hunan, China;2. Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan, China
To address the issues of energy scarcity and environmental contamination resulting from the industrial revolution, the most effective solution is to discover sustainable, hygienic and effective energy sources. Hydrogen, which produces only water as a combustion product, is regarded as an ideal, pollution-free and renewable energy source that can substitute fossil fuels. Electrocatalytic water splitting is a method of producing hydrogen that achieves zero carbon emissions, making it the cleanest and most sustainable approach available. An objective overview of the latest developments in catalyst research for electrocatalytic hydrogen and oxygen reduction reactions is provided. The fundamental reaction principles and design methods that can enhance the catalysts' performance in electrocatalytic water splitting are introduced. The discussion is carried out from two aspects of noble metal-based catalysts and non-noble metal catalysts. The various methods to improve the activity of these catalysts in electrocatalytic water splitting and the current challenges faced by the catalysts are introduced, and the prospects for future research are given.
Key words:  electrocatalytic water splitting  hydrogen production  electrocatalyst  hydrogen evolution reaction  oxygen evolution reaction