引用本文:邹斌,梁伟,盖平原,陈晓春,程仕键,付朝阳. 富含双键咪唑啉在饱和CO2盐水中缓蚀行为研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(2): 78-86.
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1.中国石化胜利油田分公司;2.山东省稠油开采技术省级重点实验室 ;3.中国石化新疆新春石油开发有限责任公司;4.华中科技大学化学与化工学院
目的 合成含有两个双键的亚油酸咪唑啉,与传统的含有单个双键油酸咪唑啉对比,研究其结构对其缓蚀性能的影响。方法 在60 ℃下将Q235钢浸泡于饱和CO2的3%(w)NaCl溶液中,通过失重、电化学测试和缓蚀效率测试,并通过表面分析方法观察腐蚀后钢片形貌变化,最后通过理论计算对合成缓蚀剂进行性能研究。结果 电化学与失重结果显示在加入质量浓度为200 mg/L的亚油酸咪唑啉后,缓蚀效率能达到90%,缓蚀性能优于常见的油酸咪唑啉。在结构上,由于亚油酸咪唑啉分子比油酸咪唑啉多了一个双键,增加了咪唑啉缓蚀剂的吸附位点,使其能更好地吸附于金属的表面。结论 亚油酸咪唑啉对碳钢有很好的缓蚀性能;在同等实验条件下,缓蚀性能优于油酸咪唑啉;其吸附满足Langmuir吸附等温线;吸附过程中主要通过N—Fe键吸附在Fe表面。 
关键词:  缓蚀剂  亚油酸咪唑啉  电化学评价  量子化学计算  分子动力学模拟 
Corrosion inhibition behavior of rich in double bonds imidazolines in saturated CO2 brine
ZOU Bin1, LIANG Wei1,2, GAI Pingyuan1,2, CHEN Xiaochun3, CHENG Shijian4, FU Chaoyang4
1. Shengli Oilfield Branch of Sinopec, Dongying, Shandong, China;2. Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Recovery Technology, Dongying, Shandong, China;3. Xinjiang Xinchun Petroleum Development Co., Ltd of Sinopec, Dongying, Shandong, China;4. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Objective The linoleic acid imidazoline containing two double bounds was synthesized, and compared with the traditional oleic acid imidazoline containing a single double bond, the effect of its strcture on corrosion inhibition performance was studied. Methods Q235 steel was immersed in a 3 wt% NaCl solution saturated with CO2 at 60 ℃. Corrosion inhibition efficiency was evaluated through weight loss and electrochemical tests, and the morphological changes of the steel surface after corrosion were observed using surface analysis methods. The performance of synthesized corrosion inhibitor was also studied using theoretical calculations. Results The results show that after adding 200 mg/L of the linoleic acid imidazoline containing two double bonds, the corrosion inhibition efficiency can reach 90%, which is superior to the commonly used oleic acid imidazoline. Structurally, the linoleic acid imidazoline only differs from the oleic acid imidazoline by the presence of one additional double bond. This extra double bond increases the adsorption sites of the imidazoline corrosion inhibitor, which makes it better adsorb to the metal surface. Conclusion sThe linoleic acid imidazoline with two double bonds exhibits excellent corrosion inhibition performance on carbon steel and outperforms the oleic acid imidazoline under the same experimental conditions. The adsorption process conforms to the Langmuir adsorption isotherm, primarily adsorbing on the Fe surface through N—Fe bonding.
Key words:  corrosion inhibitor  linoleic acid imidazoline  electrochemical evaluation  quantum chemical calculations  molecular dynamics simulation