引用本文:章志平,程才智. 常减压蒸馏装置节能与优化改造[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(2): 139-144.
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目的 解决某石化企业常减压蒸馏装置生产能耗高、产品结构不合理等问题。方法 采取优化换热网络、优化设备操作参数、提高加热炉余热回收率、提高装置处理能力及更换高效塔分离元件等方式对装置进行节能及优化改造。结果 改造完成后,装置能耗降低了1.23 kg标油/t原油,高附加值的航煤组分及润滑油加氢改质料等产品收率共计提高了2.3%,综合创效6 600 万元/年。结论 采用板式换热器及组合式空气预热器,优化中段回流取热负荷分配比例及顺序,调整装置蒸汽产、用量等是装置节能的有效手段,CTST立体传质塔盘及高效、低压降规整填料等的应用解决了产品结构不合理问题。 
关键词:  常减压蒸馏装置  炼油厂  节能  优化 
Energy saving and optimization of crude distillation unit
ZHANG Zhiping, CHENG Caizhi
Wuhan Jinzhong Engineering Technology Co., Ltd., Wuhan, Hubei, China
Objective The aim is to solve the problems of high energy consumption and unreasonable product structure in atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit of a petrochemical refinery. Methods The energy saving and optimization reforms of the unit were carried out through optimization of the heat exchange network, optimization of equipment operating parameters, improvement of the waste heat recovery rate of the heating furnace, improvement of the processing capacity of the plant, and replacement of high-efficiency tower separation elements. Results After the completion of the reformation, the energy consumption of the plant was reduced by 1.23 kg of standard oil/ton of crude oil, and the yields of high value-added jet fuel components and lubricant hydrotreating and reforming materials were increased by 2.3% in total, with a comprehensive efficiency of 66 million RMB per year. Conclusion sAdopting plate heat exchanger and combined air preheater, optimizing the distribution ratio and sequence of heat recovery load in the middle section, and adjusting the steam production and consumption of the unit have been proven to be effective measures for energy saving. The application of CTST three-dimensional mass transfer tray and structured packing with high efficiency and low pressure drop has been shown to solve the problem of unreasonable product structure.
Key words:  crude distillation unit(CDU)  refinery  energy saving  optimization