引用本文:解协勤. 柴蜡油混合进料加氢裂化装置试产军用3号喷气燃料[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(3): 19-25.
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目的提高柴蜡油混合进料加氢裂化装置生产的3号喷气燃料中芳烃含量,使之能达到军用3号喷气燃料产品的要求。 方法通过提高混合原料中蜡油比例和混合原料油密度、降低精制反应器床层温度、优化裂化反应器级配催化剂床层温度及降低芳烃加氢饱和深度的方式,提高3号喷气燃料中芳烃含量。 结果①在处理量不变的情况下,通过提高原料中蜡油比例和混合原料油密度,可显著提高喷气燃料中芳烃含量;②在高柴油比例原料的工况下,通过大幅降低精制反应器床层温度、同步降低轻油型催化剂床层温度及提高灵活型和中油型催化剂床层温度的方式,降低了芳烃加氢饱和程度,使喷气燃料产品中芳烃体积分数≥8%,同时确保尾油BMCI值小于13。 结论通过提高混合原料蜡油比例和混合原料密度至一定数值以及降低精制反应器床层温度和芳烃加氢饱和深度的方式,可实现喷气燃料产品中芳烃体积分数≥8%的目标,解决了柴蜡油混合加氢裂化装置生产军用3号喷气燃料的问题,具有一定的生产指导意义。 
关键词:  柴蜡油混合进料  加氢裂化  芳烃  军用3号喷气燃料 
Trial production of military No.3 jet fuel by diesel and wax oil mixed feed hydrocracking unit
XIE Xieqin
Sinopec Zhenhai Refining & Chemical Co., Ltd., Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
ObjectiveThe aim is to increase the aromatics content in the No.3 jet fuel produced by the diesel and wax oil mixed feed hydrocracking unit, so that it can meet the requirements of military No.3 jet fuel products. Methods The content of aromatics in No.3 jet fuel was increased by adjusting the following parameters:increasing the proportion of wax oil in the mixed raw material, increasing the oil density of the mixed raw material, reducing the temperature of the refining reactor bed, optimizing the temperature of the graded catalyst bed of the cracking reactor, and reducing the saturation depth of aromatics hydrogenation. ResultsFirstly,the aromatics content in jet fuel could be significantly increased by increasing the proportion of wax oil and the density of mixed raw material oil under constant treatment capacity. Secondly,under the condition of high diesel ratio raw material, by significantly reducing the temperature of the refining reactor bed, simultaneously reducing the bed temperature of the light oil catalyst, improving the bed temperature of the flexible and medium oil catalyst, the saturation depth of aromatics hydrogenation was reduced, the aromatics volume fraction in jet fuel products was greater than or equal to 8%, while ensuring the BMCI value of the tail oil was less than 13. ConclusionsBy increasing the wax oil proportion and mixed raw materials density to a specific value and reducing the bed temperature of the refined reactor and the saturation depth of aromatics hydrogenation, the target of aromatics volume fraction in jet fuel products greater than or equal to 8% can be achieved, which solves the problem of producing military No.3 jet fuel by diesel and wax oil mixed feed hydrocracking unit and has certain production guiding significance.
Key words:  diesel and wax oil mixed feed  hydrocracking  aromatics  military No.3 jet fuel