引用本文:孔令健. 劣质减压渣油直接催化裂化的工业应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(3): 31-36.
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目的测试DPC催化剂将劣质减压渣油在工业装置上直接进行催化裂化的可行性,同时探索掺炼劣质减压渣油对产品结构主要是低碳烯烃产量的影响。 方法利用1.2 Mt/a催化裂化装置进行工业试验,通过设定不同DPC催化剂藏量占比及原料掺渣比,研究工艺运行及产品结构的变化。 结果利用DPC催化剂将减压渣油直接生产烯烃的工业实践表明:在DPC催化剂藏量占比达到26.5%、进料中减压渣油掺炼比例提升至15.25%时,催化干气中乙烯体积分数达到16.57%,较空白标定增加2.46个百分点,液化气中丙烯及三烯(乙烯、丙烯和1,3-丁二烯)收率分别达到7.35%和8.38%,较空白标定增加0.67和0.83个百分点,月度增效可以达到1 963.92万元。 结论DPC催化剂可实现将劣质减压渣油直接催化裂化加工的目标,具有加工流程短、经济效益相对较好的特点,可为企业降本增效、节能降碳提供新思路。 
关键词:  减压渣油  催化剂  低碳烯烃  加氢  催化裂化 
Industrial application of direct catalytic cracking of inferior vacuum residue
KONG Lingjian
CNOOC Huizhou Petrochemical Co. Ltd., Huizhou, Guangdong, China
ObjectiveThe aim is to test the feasibility of using a DPC catalyst to directly conduct catalytic cracking of inferior vacuum residue in industrial units and to explore the impact of blending a certain proportion of inferior vacuum residue on product structure, mainly low-carbon olefin production. Methods The industrial test was carried out by using a 1.2 Mt/a catalytic cracking unit. The study investigated changes in process operations and product structure through adjustments in DPC catalyst inventory proportion and raw material slag blending ratios. ResultsThe industrial practice of using a DPC catalyst to produce olefins from vacuum residue directly showed that when the DPC catalyst inventory proportion reached 26.5%. The blending proportion of vacuum residue in the feed was increased to 15.25%, and the ethylene volume fraction in the catalytic dry gas reached 16.57%, an increase of 2.46 percentage points compared to the blank calibration value. The yields of propylene and triene(ethylene, propylene and 1,3-butadiene) in liquefied gas reached 7.35% and 8.38%, respectively, which increased by 0.67 percentage points and 0.83 percentage points compared with the blank calibration value, monthly efficiency increase could reach 19.639 2 million yuan. ConclusionsThe DPC catalyst is capable of facilitating the directly catalytic cracking of inferior vacuum residue, offering a streamlined processing flow and significant economic benefits. It can provide new ideas for enterprises to reduce costs, increase efficiency, save energy and reduce carbon.
Key words:  vacuum residue  catalyst  low carbon olefin  hydrogenation  catalytic cracking