引用本文:朱林,刘庆旺,孙勇强,范振忠,王旭,仝其雷. 烷基化碳量子点表面活性剂的制备及性能[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(3): 98-104.
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目的通过对水热法制备的氮掺杂碳量子点进行烷基化改性,对碳量子点在油气开发领域中的应用潜力进行研究。 方法在水热条件下,以柠檬酸作为碳源、二乙烯三胺为氮源合成了碳量子点(CQDs)和氮掺杂碳量子点(N-CQDs);通过烷基化反应对制备出的N-CQDs进行表面改性,得到一种两亲性表面活性物质R-(N-CQDs)。 结果CQDs和N-CQDs的粒径分布均匀,具有碳量子点的典型粒径特征;CQDS和N-CQDs的荧光量子产率在各自最大激发波长下分别为10%和47%,氮掺杂极大地提高了碳量子点的荧光性能;与常用表面活性剂SDBS相比,R-(N-CQDs)具有更好的降低表面张力能力、稳泡性能和乳化性能。 结论烷基化改性后的碳量子点具有良好的降低表面张力的能力,优异的乳化性能和稳泡性能,在油气开发领域中有一定的应用潜力。 
关键词:  碳量子点  氮掺杂  表面改性  烷基化  荧光量子产率 
Preparation and properties of alkylated carbon quantum dot surfactants
ZHU Lin1, LIU Qingwang1, SUN Yongqiang1,2, FAN Zhenzhong1, WANG Xu1, Tong Qilei1
1. College of Petroleum Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing, Heilongjiang, China;2. The Fourth Oil Production Plant of Daqing Oilfield Limited Company, Daqing, Heilongjiang, China
ObjectiveTo study the application of nitrogen-doped carbon quantum dots (CQDs) in oil and gas development through alkylation modification of CQDs prepared by hydrothermal method. Methods Carbon quantum dots CQDs and nitrogen-doped carbon quantum dots N-CQDs were synthesized with citric acid as carbon source and diethylenetriamine as nitrogen source under hydrothermal conditions. An amphiphilic surfactant R-(N-CQDs) was obtained by surface modification of the prepared N-CQDs through an alkylation reaction. ResultsThe particle size distribution of CQDs and N-CQDs was uniform, with the typical particle size characteristics of carbon quantum dots. The fluorescence quantum yields of CQDs and N-CQDs were 10% and 47%, respectively, at the maximum excitation wavelength, and nitrogen doping significantly improved the fluorescence properties of carbon quantum dots. Compared with commonly utilized surfactant SDBS, R-(N-CQDs) could reduce surface tension and improve foam stability and emulsification. ConclusionThe modified carbon quantum dots can reduce water surface tension, have excellent emulsification and foam stabilization performance, and have specific application potential in oil and gas development.
Key words:  carbon quantum dots  nitrogen doping  surface modification  alkylate  fluorescence quantum yield