引用本文:王道乐,杜国勇,李绥昌. 基于响应曲面法的超临界CO2萃取油基钻屑油相工艺优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(3): 141-146.
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目的对超临界CO2萃取油基钻屑中油相工艺参数进行优化。 方法采用响应曲面法对影响超临界CO2萃取工艺的重要参数进行具体实验并根据实验结果进行数值模拟,通过模拟得出萃取时间、压力、温度和超临界CO2流量等参数的优化数据。 结果响应曲面分析了各变量之间对萃取效果的影响,基于萃取数据建立了二次多项式模型,能够较好地拟合实验结果,得出最佳萃取条件为萃取压力25 MPa、温度323.15 K、时间90 min和流量25.0 L/h。 结论通过具体实验数据结合响应曲面法得出了最佳萃取条件,在该条件下油类最大去除率为95.22%。利用气相色谱仪-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)分析萃取物前后性状未发生明显变化,该方法能够更好地实现固液分离和资源回收。 
关键词:  超临界二氧化碳  响应曲面法  萃取  油基钻屑 
Optimization of supercritical carbon dioxide extraction process of oil-based drilling cuttings oil phase based on response surface methodology
WANG Daole1, DU Guoyong1,2, LI Suichang1
1. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Sichuan Key Laboratory of Applied Chemistry for Oil and Gas Fields, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
ObjectiveThe process parameters of supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of oil phase from oil-based drilling cuttings were optimized. Methods The response surface method was employed to test the important parameters affecting the supercritical carbon dioxide extraction process, and the numerical simulation was carried out according to the test results. The optimization condition of extraction time, pressure, temperature, supercritical carbon dioxide flow rate, and other parameters were obtained by simulation. ResultsThe response surface analysis was used to analyze the influence of each variable on the extraction effect. Based on the extraction data, a quadratic polynomial model was established to fit the experimental results better. The optimum extraction conditions were identified to be with extraction pressure of 25 MPa, temperature of 323.15 K, time of 90 min, and flow rate of 25.0 L/h. ConclusionsThe optimum extraction conditions were obtained by combining the specific experimental data with the response surface method. Under this condition, the maximum oil removal rate was 95.22%. There was no significant change in the traits before and after the extraction based on GC-MS analysis. Supercritical carbon dioxide was proven to be effective in solid-liquid separation and resource recovery.
Key words:  supercritical carbon dioxide  response surface methodology  extraction  oil-based drilling cuttings