引用本文:杨阳,张桥. 基于程序驱动的常减压蒸馏-加氢裂化全流程模拟与分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(4): 1-7.
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目的 石油作为传统的化石能源,其组成较为复杂,导致很难对炼油过程进行精确控制。在智能制造的要求下,建立合理可靠的炼油过程模型,并对炼油过程中来自上下游的影响进行准确的预测,有助于实现炼油过程的智能调控及优化。方法 基于Aspen HYSYS软件,依托集成了集总动力学模型的反应器模块,建立从原油到产品的常减压蒸馏-加氢裂化严格模拟流程,并在模拟的基础上探究含氢气体与油品的体积比对反应产物的流量及氢气用量的影响。在此基础上,利用Matlab驱动流程模拟的方式,在上游原油配比波动的情况下,获得下游加氢裂化装置产品产量的变化情况。结果 模拟结果准确度很高,平均相对误差为0.41%。当国内原油占比从20%提升至50%时,柴油产品产量降低了13.9%,石脑油产品产量提升了6.1%,总产量降低了8.7%。结论 基于程序驱动Aspen HYSYS软件建立的常减压-加氢裂化模型包括了从炼厂原油到产品的完整流程,并能对炼油过程进行分析与调优。该模型有助于智能炼化的实现及传统炼化企业向智能化、数字化方向转型。
关键词:  炼油  常减压蒸馏  加氢裂化  流程模拟  HYSYS
Process simulation and analysis of atmospheric and vacuum distillation and hydrocracking based on program driving
School of Chemical Engineering & Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
Objective Being a kind of traditional fossil fuel, petroleum has complex compositions, which makes it difficult to accurately control in refineries. Under the requirements of intelligent manufacturing, establishing a reasonable and reliable refining process model and accurately predicting the impact from upstream and downstream during the refining process can help achieve intelligent regulation and optimization of the refining process. Methods Based on Aspen HYSYS software and the reactor module integrated with lumped kinetic model, a rigorous simulation process of atmospheric and vacuum distillation-hydrocracking from crude oil to product was established. Based on the simulation, the influence of the volume ratio of hydrogen-containing gas to oil on the reaction products flow rate and the amount of hydrogen was investigated. On this basis, the change of product output of downstream hydrocracking unit was obtained by using Matlab to drive process simulation under the condition of fluctuation of upstream crude oil ratio. Results The simulation had high accuracy, with an average relative error of 0.41%. When the proportion of domestic crude oil increased from 20% to 50%, the production of diesel products decreased by 13.9%, the production of naphtha products increased by 6.1%, and total production decreased by 8.7%. Conclusions Based on the program-driven Aspen HYSYS, an atmospheric and vacuum distillation and hydrocracking model have been established, which includes the complete process from petroleum to products, and can analyze and optimize refining process. This model contributes to the implementation of intelligent refining and the transformation of traditional refining enterprises towards intelligence and digitization.
Key words:  refinery  atmospheric and vacuum distillation  hydrocracking  process simulation  HYSYS