引用本文:白雨鑫,郑润芬,魏立新,赵福君,韩晓瑜. 用于捕集CO2的相变吸收剂与乙醇胺吸收剂性能对比[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(4): 19-27.
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目的 解决传统吸收剂捕集二氧化碳(CO2)存在的再生能耗和经济成本较高等问题,研发新型相变吸收剂。方法 对4种相变吸收剂体系:DETA-1-propanol、MMEA-DEG、DEEA-MEA和DEEA-AEEA的性能进行了对比研究,以传统吸收剂质量分数为30%的乙醇胺(MEA)溶液作为参考基准,进行吸收、解吸、发泡、腐蚀、循环吸收-解吸实验研究以及再生能耗和成本估算。结果 DETA-1-propanol体系的富相体积占总体积的66%,最大吸收负荷为3.34 mol/kg,与MEA吸收剂相比提高了54.6%。溶剂成本为11 500元/t,相比MEA吸收剂增加了35.5%,再生显热(以每1 t CO2计)为0.28 GJ/t,再生潜热为1.1 GJ/t,与MEA吸收剂相比分别降低了73.3%和12.0%。结论 DETA-1-propanol吸收剂体系具有较高的吸收、解吸性能和较高的循环稳定性,以及较低的再生能耗和溶剂成本。
关键词:  二氧化碳  碳捕集  相变吸收剂  吸收  解吸  腐蚀  再生能耗
Performance comparison between phase change absorbent and ethanolamine absorbent for CO2 capture
Yuxin BAI1, Runfen ZHENG2, Lixin WEI1, Fujun ZHAO1, Xiaoyu HAN1
1.Key Laboratory of Improving Oil and Gas Recovery, Ministry of Education, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing, Heilongjiang, China;2.Daqing Oilfield Design Institute Co., Ltd., Daqing, Heilongjiang, China
Objective The aim is to solve the problems of high regeneration energy consumption and high economic cost in the capture of carbon dioxide(CO2) by traditional absorbents, and to develop new phase change absorbents. Methods This paper provided a comparative study of the performance of four phase change absorbent systems: DETA-1-propanol, MMEA-DEG, DEEA-MEA, and DEEA-AEEA. Using monoethanolamine (MEA) with a traditional absorbent mass fraction of 30% as a reference standard, experiments were conducted to study absorption, desorption, foaming, corrosion, cyclic absorption-desorption, as well as estimated regeneration energy consumption and costs. Results The DETA-1-propanol system had a rich phase volume accounting for 66% of the total volume, with a maximum absorption capacity of 3.34 mol/kg, representing a 54.6% improvement compared to 30% MEA absorbents. The solvent cost was 11 500 yuan/t, which increased by 35.5% compared to 30% MEA absorbents. The regeneration enthalpy was 0.28 GJ/t CO2, and the regeneration latent heat was 1.1 GJ/t CO2. Compared with MEA absorbent, it reduced by 73.3% and 12.0%, respectively. Conclusions The DETA-1-propanol absorbent system exhibits higher absorption and desorption performance, high cycling stability, as well as lower regeneration energy consumption and solvent cost.
Key words:  carbon dioxide  carbon capture  phase change absorbent  absorption  desorption  corrosion  regenerative energy consumption