引用本文:陈晓梅,曹吉伟,李敏. 烷基化选择性加氢催化剂失活原因分析及对策[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(4): 44-48.
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目的 在硫酸法烷基化装置中,通过分析1,3-丁二烯选择性加氢反应器的运行情况,研究导致加氢催化剂失活的主要原因及解决方法。方法 通过分析催化剂失活前后的原料性质,并考查原料性质变化对1,3-丁二烯脱除率的影响。结果 对于1,3-丁二烯选择性加氢催化剂来说,原料pH高、NaOH和总硫含量高,均会造成催化剂活性中心受到抑制。结论 通过优化操作以脱除原料中的有害杂质,并对失活的催化剂进行纯氢在线活化处理后再次投用于选择性加氢反应器,发现催化剂活性显著恢复,并实现了长周期运行。
关键词:  烷基化  选择性加氢  催化剂  失活  在线活化
Causes analysis and countermeasures of deactivation of selective hydrogenation catalysts in alkylation unit
Xiaomei CHEN, Jiwei CAO, Min LI
Panjin North Asphalt Fuel Corporation Limited, Panjin, Liaoning, China
Objective In the sulfuric acid alkylation unit, the main causes and solutions to the deactivation of the hydrogenation catalyst were found by analyzing the running status of the selective hydrogenation reactor of 1,3-butadiene. Methods By analyzing the feedstock properties before and after catalyst deactivation, the effect of feedstock properties changes on the 1,3-butadiene removal rate was investigated. Results For the selective hydrogenation of the 1,3-butadiene catalyst, a high level of pH, caustic sodium and total sulfur contents in feedstock will inhibit the active centers of the catalyst. Conclusion The harmful impurities in feedstock were removed by optimizing operation. Additionally, the deactivated catalysts were re-activated by on-line treatment with pure hydrogen, the catalyst activity was significantly restored and maintained long-cycle running after re-starting up.
Key words:  alkylation  selective hydrogenation  catalyst  deactivation  on-line activation