引用本文:胡淼,任绪金,张丹丹,黄少凯. 催化裂化柴油中悬浮物组成及产生原因[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(4): 118-123.
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目的 对中海油某炼厂催化裂化柴油中絮状悬浮物进行详细分离分析,推测其组成结构、来源及可能的解决方案。方法 开发设计了从油水混合物中分离絮状悬浮物的方案,并使用傅里叶红外光谱、傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱等多种手段对悬浮物进行表征。结果 该悬浮物以有机物为主,可在盐酸环境絮凝,经质谱检测其主体为C40~C55左右的含氮化合物,并表现出明显的人工合成特点。结论 推测该絮状悬浮物为胺类及酰胺类缓蚀剂残留物或同时含有此两类化合物的复配缓蚀剂残留物。该分离分析方法也可用于相似样品的组成分析工作,有助于炼厂排查类似故障原因。
关键词:  催化裂化  柴油  悬浮物  缓蚀剂  组成分析
Composition and cause of suspended solids in FCC diesel oil
Miao HU, Xujin REN, Dandan ZHANG, Shaokai HUANG
CNOOC Institute of Chemicals & Advanced Materials (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Beijing, China
Objective The flocculent suspended matter in fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) diesel oil from a refinery of CNOOC was separated and analyzed. Its composition, source and possible solution were deduced. Methods A scheme for separating flocculent suspended solids from an oil-water mixture was developed and characterized by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance spectrometry. Results The results show that flocculent suspended matter are mainly organic compounds and can be flocculated in a hydrochloric acid environment. The main body of the suspended matter is nitrogen-containing compounds about C40-C55 determined by mass spectrometry, and it shows obvious artificial synthesis characteristics.Conclusions The flocculent suspension is the compound inhibitor of amines and amides or the residue of many kinds of inhibitors. This separation and analysis method can also be used for composition analysis of similar samples, which is helpful for refineries to investigate the causes of similar faults.
Key words:  FCC  diesel oil  suspended solids  corrosion inhibitor  composition analysis