引用本文:于劲磊,文明,李佳忆,蒋国斌,车培源,乔川,等. 聚磺钻井岩屑制备烧结砖环境风险分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(4): 130-136.
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目的 以四川盆地聚磺钻井岩屑为研究对象,分析其经固化处理或破胶絮凝+机械分离后剩余固相的污染特性,并在此基础上评估利用聚磺钻井岩屑制备烧结砖所产生的环境风险。方法 采用Texas模型和HJ/T 299—2007《固体废物 浸出毒性浸出方法 硫酸硝酸法》 ,评价聚磺钻井废弃物经固化处理或破胶絮凝+机械分离后剩余固相的污染特性和制备烧结砖环境风险。结果 经过预处理后的聚磺钻井废弃物中重金属锌、钡含量相对较高,作为原料按一定掺配比制备烧结砖时排放的烟气中非甲烷总烃质量浓度为2.4~23.7 mg/m3,重金属、二噁英的含量也远低于GB 16297—1996《大气污染物综合排放标准》、GB 18484—2020《危险废物焚烧污染控制标准》与GB 30485—2013《水泥窑协同处置固体废物污染控制标准》要求,烧结砖可浸出重金属含量也低于GB/T 14848—2017《地下水质量标准》的Ⅲ类标准限值。结论 利用聚磺钻井废弃物为原料制备烧结砖环境风险整体可控。聚磺钻井岩屑制备烧结砖环境风险评估研究结果可为国家政策文件的修订提供理论依据,助力环境管理部门和油气开发企业降本增效,同时推动我国油气绿色高质量开发。
关键词:  聚磺钻井岩屑  污染特性  环境风险评估  暴露场景  Texas模型  稀释衰减
Environmental risk analysis of sintered bricks prepared from sulphonated polymer drill cuttings
Jinlei YU1,2, Ming WEN1,2, Jiayi LI3, Guobin JIANG1,2, PeiYuan CHE1,2, Chuan QIAO4, Hongbo LIU5,6, Hong TANG7
1.Research Institute of Safety, Environment Protection and Technology Supervision, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2.Shale Gas Evaluation and Exploitation Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;3.Pipeline Co. Ltd. of Guizhou Province PipeChina Southwest Pipeline Co. Ltd., Guiyang, Guizhou, China;4.PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;5.Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing, China;6.State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Hazardous Waste Identification and Risk Control, Beijing, China;7.Materials Branch of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective Taking the sulphonated polymer drill cuttings from the drilling process in the Sichuan Basin as the research object, analyzed the contamination characteristics of the remaining solid phase after curing treatment or glue-breaking flocculation + mechanical separation. Tthe environmental risk of sintered bricks prepared using the sulphonated polymer drill cuttings as also evaluated on this basis. Methods The Texas model and HJ/T 299—2007 Solid waste-Extraction procedure for leaching toxicity-Sulphuric acid & nitric acid method were used to study the pollution characteristics of the remaining solid phase and the environmental risk of preparing sintered bricks after curing, flocculation and mechanical separation of sulphonated polymer mud drilling waste. Results The content of heavy metals zinc and barium in the pre-treated polysulfone drilling waste is relatively high. As a raw material for the preparation of sintered bricks according to a certain mixing ratio of the process of emission of non-methane hydrocarbons in the flue gas emission, the mass concentration of 2.4-23.7 mg/m3 for heavy metals, and dioxin emissions are also much lower than the requirements of the GB 16297—1996 Integrated emission standard for air pollutants, GB 18484—2020 Standards for pollution control on hazardous waste incineration, GB 30485—2013 Standard for pollution control on co-processing of solid waste in cement kiln, and the leachable heavy metal content of the sintered bricks is also lower than the limit of Class Ⅲ standard of GB/T 14848—2017 Standard for groundwater quality. Conclusion The overall environmental risk of using sulphonated polysulfone drilling waste as raw material for preparing sintered bricks is manageable. Researching on the environmental risk assessment of sintered bricks prepared from sulphonated polymer drill cuttings, the results of which can provide a theoretical basis for the revision of national policy documents and help the environmental management department and oil and gas development enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency, as well as promote the green and high-quality development of China's oil and gas sources.
Key words:  sulphonated polymer drill cuttings  contamination characteristics  environmental risk assessment  exposure scenarios  Texas model  dilution attenuation