引用本文:郭丹芳,刘道平,张亮,李刚,钟栋梁. 悬垂水滴表面形成天然气水合物的特性研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(1): 6-10,95.
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郭丹芳, 刘道平, 张亮, 李刚, 钟栋梁
关键词:  天然气水合物  水滴  生长特性  诱导时间
Characteristics Researches of Natural Gas Hydrate Growth on the Pendant Water Droplet
Guo Danfang, Liu Daoping, Zhang Liang
College of Energy and Power Engineering,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093,China
Based on a set of high-pressure visual experiment device used for gas hydrate formation of suspended static water droplet,the influence factors such as system pressure,temperature,source of water on growth characteristics of gas hydrate are analyzed and discussed.The results showed that a higher gas pressure should lead to a higher driving force and a shorter nucleation time;a lower temperature should lead to a subcooling degree and a shorter nucleation time,which is of great benefit to the hydrate formation.Compared with pure water and distilled water,the melted distilled water are the best water source because it has a shorter nucleation time.Based on water spray formation of gas hydrate,the experiments can help to realize the hydrate formation mechanism from macroscopical field to the microscopical field.
Key words:  natural gas hydrate  water droplet  growth characteristics  induction time