引用本文:刘富强,张伟杰. 计算三甘醇中酸性气体溶解度的方法[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(1): 65-67,74,99.
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刘富强1, 张伟杰2
含硫天然气采用三甘醇脱水时,三甘醇会溶解H2S和CO2,导致三甘醇脱水装置循环系统和再生系统的腐蚀速率增加,同时也增加了三甘醇的变质速率。本文介绍了三种用于计算三甘醇中H2S和CO2溶解度的方法。E.WICHERT和G.C.WICHERT图解法适用的温度范围约为25℃≤t≤75℃,H2S和CO2的压力适用范围分别为50 kPa≤P≤3000 kPa,100 kPa≤P≤6000 kPa。Alireza Bahadori和Khalil Zeidani提出了新的用于计算三甘醇中H2S和CO2溶解度的方程。对于H2S溶解度的计算,该方程的适用范围为50 kPa(绝压)<P<2000 kPa(绝压),t<130℃;对于CO2溶解度的计算,不同的温度、压力范围采用了不同的计算方程。通过与实验数据的对比,该方程计算H2S和CO2溶解度的最大平均绝对偏差分别为3.03%,1.94%。最后介绍利用HYSYS模拟计算脱水过程中三甘醇中H2S和CO2的溶解度。
关键词:  三甘醇  酸性气体  溶解度  计算方法
Methods to Calculate the Solubility of the Acid Gas in TEG
Liu Fuqiang1, Zhang Weijie2
1.Southwest Petroleum University;2.Henan Oilfield Designing Institute
During the dehydration process,the hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide will be dissolved in TEG,leading to increase the corrosion rate of the TEG dehydration and regeneration system,while increasing the rate of deterioration of the TEG.In the paper,three methods are introduced to calculate the solubility of the acid gas in TEG.E.WICHERT and GC WICHERT’s charts is suit for 25≤T≤75℃,100<P<3000kPa(H2S) and 100kPa≤P≤6000kPa(CO2).Alireza Bahadori and Khalil Zeidani introduced new equations used to calculate the solubility of acid gas in TEG.For the calculation of the concentration of hydrogen sulfide,the equation is fit for 50kPa<P<2000kPa(abs),T<130℃,for carbon dioxide,different temperature and pressure use different equations.Through compared with the experimental data,the average absolute deviation of H2S and CO2 solubility is 3.0296% and 1.9394% respectively.Finally,the solubility of the acid gas in TEG is calculated by HYSYS.
Key words:  TEG  acid gas  solubility  methods of calculation