引用本文:罗勤,李晓红,许文晓. 国际标准《ISO 13686天然气质量指标》修订浅析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(1): 68-69,74,99.
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国际标准《ISO 13686天然气质量指标》修订浅析
罗勤1, 李晓红2, 许文晓2
2008年6月9日ISO/CD 13686-2008完稿[1],并提交至投票成员国和相关技术委员会和组织机构讨论,成员国有义务为"是否赞同将此草案发布为国际标准草案"投票。中国、英国、美国等13个成员国投票同意,波兰投了反对票,奥地利弃权,印度、俄罗斯、西班牙等9个成员国未作回应。中国、法国和美国等6个成员国对ISO/CD 13686-2008提出了意见和建议。本文对ISO/CD 13686-2008与ISO13686-1998[2]的异同之处做了详细的对比分析,提出了根据ISO/CD13686-2008修订GB 17820-1999的相关建议。
关键词:  ISO13686  天然气  质量指标  修订  建议
The Analysis for Revision of International Standard 《ISO 13686 Natural Gas》
Luo Qin1, li Xiaohong2, Xu Wenxiao2
1.China University of Petroleum(Beijing);2.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology,PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company
On 9th of June,2008,ISO/CD 13686-2008 was drafted and circulated to member countries,technical committees and organizations for discussion.Member countries have an obligation to vote for agreement or not agreement on the circulation as a DIS(the Draft of International Standard).13 member counties including China,the United Kingdom and the United States,have voted to agree.Poland has voted a blackball.Austria abstained to vote.India,Russia and Spain etc.,9 member countries didn’t respond.China,France and the United State etc 6 members have put forward views and suggestions for ISO/CD 13686-2008.This paper makes a detailed comparative analysis on the similarities and differences of the ISO/CD 13686-2008 and ISO 13686-1998,and brings forward correlative suggestions for revising GB 17820-1999 based on ISO/CD 13686-2008.
Key words:  ISO 13686  natural gas  quality designation  revision  suggestion