引用本文:王满学,黄平良,何静,杜东军,周新旺. 聚合物降解体系HRS/EYD-1对羟丙基胍胶水基压裂液破胶液中残渣的降解作用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(3): 234-237,241,180.
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王满学1,2, 黄平良3,4, 何静1,2, 杜东军, 周新旺
本试验首次将聚合物降解剂HRS/EYD-1体系引入水基压裂液中。主要研究了HRS对压裂液原胶液的稳定性和压裂液抗剪切性能的影响,同时考察了HRS/EYD-1的浓度、温度及体系pH值等对压裂液破胶液残渣的降解作用。进行了4井次的现场试验。实验结果表明:在原胶液中加入0.2%HRS后,pH值≥7,30℃下恒温72 h的原胶液粘度仍保持不变。在170s-1、40℃下,加HRS/EYD-1压裂液剪切60 min后粘度与未加的解堵剂的压裂液粘度相当,并且其破胶液残渣较没加HRS/EYD-1压裂液的残渣下降了46%以上,固体颗粒粒径中值比下降了37%,支撑剂的伤害下降了近55%,岩心伤害减少了近49%。现场实验取得了良好的效果。
关键词:  聚合物降解剂HRS/EYD-1  胍胶压裂液  残渣  岩心损害
Effects of Using Preparation HRS/EYD-1 on Gel Breakdown Properties of Water-base Fracturing Fluids
Wang Manxue,Huang Pingliang,He Jing
1.Xi’an Shiyou University,Xi’an 710065,Shanxi,China;2.Shanxi Yanchang Petroleum(Group) Co.Ltd.,Dingbian Oil Factory,Yan’an 718600,Shanxi,China
The paper studied the injection and producing oil and gas wells and,particularly,to remove of residual polymeric material from such wells.The aqueous medium of the polymeric material HRS is maintained in contact with the polymeric material for a sufficient time to oxidize or degrade the polymeric material to the desired extent.The results show that the optimal conditions of gel breakdown by HRS/EYD-1 were as following: the temperature is 30℃,pH≥7,the dosage of HRS/EYD-1 0.2%.When experiment temperature is 40℃,reaction time is 3 hours,residual polymeric material dropped to 46%.The formation damage drop to more than 49%.The support agent damage decrease to 55%.
Key words:  polymeric material  residual material  fracturing fluid  core damage