引用本文:何春明,陈红军,刘岚,刘超. VES自转向酸反应动力学研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(3): 246-249,253,181.
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何春明1, 陈红军2, 刘岚3, 刘超
关键词:  转向酸化  VES自转向酸  非牛顿流体  反应动力学  传质速率
Study on VES Self-diversion Acid Reaction Kinetics
He Chunming1, Chen Hongjun2, Liu Lan3
1.Graduate Institute of SWPU;2.Material Science and Engineering Institute of SWPU;3.Geology Exploration and Development Research Institite,CNPC Drilling Engineering Co.Ltd
VES self-diversion acid diversion acidizing technique is a newly developed reservoir stimulation approach for long interest interval and multiple zones.The acid-rock reaction kinetics parameter is very important for predicting the viscosifying time and place.This paper studies systematic reaction kinetics using of rotating disk reactor.The results show that at different concentrations obtaining the reaction order m=0.7079,and reaction rate constant k=5.8439×10-6(mol/L)-m·mol/s·cm2,and testing the system mass transport rate at three different acid concentration,the mass transport rate of each concentration is 1.0475×10-5 mol/cm2·s;8.6567×10-6 mol/cm2·s;5.3371×10-6 mol/cm2·s respectively on the experimental condition of 90℃,8MPa.From the perspective of experimental data,VES self-diversion acid’s reaction rate is relative high,which cause a rapid elevation of pH,when acid enter into the reservoir,viscous hinder is built fast,which can meet the aim of diversion.
Key words:  diversion acidizing  VES self-diversion acid  non-newtonian fluid  reaction kinetics  mass-transfer rate