引用本文:刘祖鹏,李兆敏,李宾飞,李松岩,王冠华. 多相泡沫体系调驱提高原油采收率试验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(3): 242-245,261,181.
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刘祖鹏, 李兆敏, 李宾飞, 李松岩, 王冠华
关键词:  粒径  封堵能力  多相泡沫  采收率
Study on Enhanced Oil Recovery in Profile Control and Flooding by the Multi-phase Foam System
Liu Zupeng, Li Zhaomin, Li Binfei
Foam Fluid Research Center in China University of Petroleum,Qingdao 266555,Shandong Province
The multi-phase foam system is composed of gas-liquid foam and polymer microsphere and its enhanced oil recovery in porous medium was conducted in lab.The diameter of polymer microsphere was measured by laser particle size analyzer,the results show that the size is distributed evenly and matching the pore-scale of formation.The polymer microsphere plugging experiment results show that the microsphere can move and plug in the core,which increase the injected pressure and resistance coefficient,succeeding water flooding still has a high residual resistance factor.The paraller core EOR experiments show that the multi-phase foam system goes into the high permeation core and pulg it,and the heterogeneity has been improved,combining plugging with flooding,so the recovery is improved effectively.
Key words:  diameter of polymer microsphere  profile control ability  multi-phase foam system  EOR