引用本文:刘述忍,康万利,孟令伟,毛天聪,郭黎明. 三种水处理剂对活性剂污水溶液和孤东原油间界面张力的影响[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(3): 262-264,182.
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刘述忍1, 康万利1, 孟令伟1, 毛天聪2, 郭黎明
针对孤东原油与现场采出污水配制的表面活性剂溶液间界面张力不能达到超低界面张力的问题,研究了Na5P3O10、HEDP.Na4和ATMP.Na5三种水处理剂对表面活性剂污水溶液与孤东原油之间界面张力的影响规律,确定了三种水处理剂的最佳使用浓度范围。结果 表明:当表面活性剂浓度为0.3%时,加入水处理剂后油水界面张力值显著降低,加Na5P3O10的油水界面张力先出现最低值后又逐渐升到平衡值,而加HEDP.Na4和ATMP.Na5时都能使胜利原油与污水间界面张力最低值达到超低范围,HEDP.Na4的浓度范围最宽,为2000 mg/L~4500 mg/L。
关键词:  水处理剂  表面活性剂HYFQ  界面张力  孤东原油
Effect of Three Water Treatment Agents on Interfacial Tension between the Aqueous Surfactant Solution and Gudong Crude Oil
Liu Shuren1, Kang Wanli1, Meng Lingwei1, Mao Tiancong2
1.School of Petroleum Engineering,China University of Petroleum,Qingdao 266555,China;2.Luliang Oilfield Operation Zone in Xinjiang Oilfield Company,Kelamayi 834000,China
To measure the difficulty that the interfacial tension of crude oil and surfactant aqueous solution with oilfield water cannot achieve ultra-low interfacial tension,the influence of three different water treatment agents-sodium tripolyphosphate,HEDP·Na4 and ATMP·Na5 on the interfacial tension of Gudong crude oil and aqueous surfactant solution was investigated,where the aqueous surfactant solution was prepared using treated water as solvent.In addition,the optimum amounts of water treatment agent were determined.It was shown that the interfacial tension of Gudong crude oil and aqueous surfactant solution dramatically decreased after the agent addition while the surfactant concentration was 0.3%.With sodium tripolyphosphate,the interfacial tension firstly decreased to the lowest and then increased to a stable value.With HEDP·Na4 and ATMP·Na5,the minimum interfacial tensions could reach ultra-low interfacial tension.The concentration range of HEDP·Na4 was the widest,which was between 2000mg/L and 4500mg/L.
Key words:  water treatment agent  surfactant HYFQ  interfacial tension  Gudong crude oil