引用本文:王兰芳,张金俊,苏桂明,孙枭斐,关建宁,马鸿飞. 阴离子聚合物St-OMA的合成和应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(4): 331-334,270.
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王兰芳, 张金俊, 苏桂明, 孙枭斐, 关建宁, 马鸿飞
采用阴离子聚合法合成苯乙烯(Styrene)-甲基丙烯酸十八酯(Octadecyl methyl acrylate)的二元共聚物St-OMA,评价了不同聚合条件下的聚合物对苏丹原油的降凝效果。通过偏光显微镜和图片处理软件对加剂前后原油中的蜡晶形态和分布进行微观分析,原油中蜡晶由大量片状、针状形态改变为颗粒状,蜡晶尺寸较小,蜡晶间也密实,分散得更细更匀称。这表明降凝剂的加入确实改变了原油中蜡的结晶形态,使析出的蜡晶尺寸变小变密,从而改善了原油的流动性,降低了原油的凝点。
关键词:  阴离子聚合  降凝效果  蜡晶形态
The Synthesis and Application of Anionic Copolymer St-OMA
Wang Lanfang, Zhang Jinjun, Su Guiming
Science College of Nanjing University of Technology
The styrene-octadecyl methylacrylate copolymer(St-OMA) was synthesized by anionic polymerization, and the effect of polymers under different polymerization conditions on pour point depression of Sudan crude oil was investigated. The form and distribution of wax crystal in crude oil was analyzed before and after adding the additives through polarizing microscope and image processing software Digital Micrograph. It is found that wax crystal in crude oil are big flake or spiculation before adding the additive,while added the additive, the size of waxed crystal become smal-ler, and the distribution become thinner but well-propor-tioned. The results show that the addition of pour point depressant can change the crystallizing pattern indeed and make the wax crystal size smaller, the flow ability of crude oil has been improved and the pour point of crude oil was reduced.
Key words:  anionic polymerization  pour point depression  wax crystal morphology