引用本文:常勇,王海彦,黎胜可. 改性β沸石催化剂促进正己烷异构化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(5): 391-394,366.
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常勇1,2,3, 王海彦2, 黎胜可2
关键词:  临氢异构  改性  β沸石  合成  碳化钼  正己烷
Improvement Prepare for the Beta Zeolite and its Catalytic Activity on Hydroisomerization of n-Hexane
Chang Yong1,2,3, Wang Haiyan2, Li Shengke2
1.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,China University of Petroleum,Dongying 257061,China;2.College of Petroleum and Chemical Engineering,Liaoning University of Petroleum and Chemical Engineering,Fushun 113001,China;3.College of Petroleum and Chemical Engineering ,Shenyang University of Technology,Liaoyang 111003,China
Molybdenum carbide catalysts were prepared by temperature-programmed reaction using β-zeolite as carrier which was treated by alkaline solution,using (NH4)6Mo7O24·4H2O as molybdenum source and n-hexane as carbon source.The characterization results of XRD,BET,FT-IR,TEM showed that the modified β-zeolite possessed high specific surface area and large pore volume.The catalytic performance for hydroisomerization over β-Mo2C/modified β-zeolite has been investigated in a fixed-bed down-flow reactor,using n-hexane as the module reactant.The result of the reaction shows that the modified β-zeolite catalyst has higher hydroisomerization conversion rate,selectivity and yield than the β-zeolite powder.Moreover,the life of the β-Mo2C/modified β-zeolite catalyst increased nearly doubled,and the most suitable reaction temperature of the β-Mo2C/modified β-zeolite catalyst reduced 10℃.
Key words:  hydroisomerization  modify  β-zeolite  synthesis  molybdenum carbide  n-hexane