引用本文:孙国权,方向晨,刘继华. 柴油含硫化合物在FH-UDS催化剂上的加氢脱硫研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(5): 418-421,445,367,368.
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孙国权1, 方向晨2, 刘继华2
在小试装置上采用气相色谱-原子发射光谱(GC-AED)方法,考察了催化裂化(FCC)柴油中的含硫化合物在FH-UDS催化剂上的催化转化性能。结果 表明,反应温度对柴油加氢脱硫率的影响最为敏感。在反应温度375℃,氢分压6.0MPa,液时空速2.0h-1和氢/油体积比350的条件,FCC柴油含硫化合物总转化率为99.6%,其中,噻吩类硫化物和苯并噻吩类硫化物的转化率都达到100%,难脱除的4-甲基二苯并噻吩和4,6-二甲基二苯并噻吩转化率分别为99.2%和94.4%。可以在反应温度360℃,氢分压8.0MPa,液时空速1.5h-1~1.0h-1和氢/油体积比350的条件下,生产硫含量低于60μg/g和10μg/g的低硫和超低硫柴油产品。
关键词:  FH-UDS催化剂  FCC柴油  硫化物  超深度加氢脱硫
Study on the Deep Hydrodesulfurization of Sulfur-Containing Compound in FCC Diesel on FH-UDS Catalyst
Sun Guoquan1, Fang Xiangchen2, Liu Jihua2
1.Liaoning University of Petroleum and Chemical Technology;2.Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals,Fushun 113001
The catalytic conversion performance of relative model sulfur-containing compounds in FCC diesel on FH-UDS catalyst are evaluated by gas chromato graphy-atomic emission detector (GC-AED) in a pilot plant.The results indicate that reaction temperature is the most sensitive factor which influences the hydrodesulfurization ratio of diesel fuels.The total conversion of sulfur-containing compounds of FCC diesel is 99.6%.Among the sulfur-containing compounds of FCC diesel,T and BT are completely converted,the conversions of 4-MDBT and 4,6-DMDBT are 99.2% and 94.4% under the conditions of the reaction temperature 375℃,hydrogen partial pressure 6.0MPa,LHSV 2.0h-1 and H2/oil mole ratio 350.The sulfur content of the treated FCC diesel is less than 60μg/g or 10μg/g under the conditions of the reaction temperature 360℃,hydrogen partial pressure 8.0MPa,LHSV 1.5h-1~1.0h-1 and H2/oil mol ratio 350.
Key words:  FH-UDS catalyst  FCC diesel  sulfur-containing compound  Ultra-deep hydrodesulfurization