引用本文:蒋泽银,刘友权,石晓松,漆明勇,贺茂国,苏福燕,等. 川中须家河气藏泡排技术研究与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(5): 422-426,368.
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蒋泽银1,2, 刘友权1, 石晓松1, 漆明勇, 贺茂国, 苏福燕, 胡秀银
关键词:  泡排  CT5-7CⅢ  现场试验  须家河
The Research and Application of Foam-Dewatering Technology in Xujiahe Gas Reservoir of Mid-Sichuan Gas Field
Jiang Zeyin1,2, Liu Youquan1, Shi Xiaosong1
1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology of Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company;2.Southwest Petroleum University
Xujiahe gas reservoir of mid-Sichuan gas field is one of the most important exploration and development area and the main supersede layer system.With the development of the gas reservoir,some wells of gas yield is lower produce unconventionally and some wells can only produce intermittently,because their water-unloading ability can’t completely lift the formation water from the wells and accumulate in the downhole.In allusion to the character of high salinity,containing Ba2+ and condensate oil,we develop the foam-dewatering matched technology.We develop a CT5-7CⅢ foaming agent,which can bear high salinity,Ba2+ and condensate oil,and a water-solubility CT1-12A demulsifying agent that can break the emulsion quickly and entirely in environment temperature,can mix with the de-foaming agent.At the same time,we develop a spot application technology.Using these agents,we had made foam-dewatering field experiments in seven wells and de-emulsion field experiments in three gas stations,increase daily gas 2.8×104m3 and formation water 40m3.The field experiments indicate that the foaming agent’s characters of foam-dewatering are very well,the emulsion is broken quickly and entirely,and the spot technics is very predigest.
Key words:  Xujiahe gas reservoir  foam-dewatering  de-emulsion  condensate oil