引用本文:赵娟,赵光,戴彩丽,王苹,杨云龙. 阴阳离子微线团封堵能力实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(5): 431-434,368,369.
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赵娟, 赵光, 戴彩丽, 王苹, 杨云龙
关键词:  阴阳离子微线团  交替注入  封堵能力  耐冲刷性能  提高采收率
Experimental Study of the Sealing Capacity of Anion and Cationic Microcoil
Zhao Juan, Zhao Guang, Dai Caili
State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing,China University of Petroleum,Qingdao 266555,Shandong).
Alternative injection of anion microcoil and cationic microcoil has a nice sealing capacity in the low permeability reservoir.Laboratory experiments on the core displacement are conducted to evaluate the sealing capacity of microcoil,which have studied the sealing capacity of anion microcoil,cationic microcoil,alternative injection of anion microcoil and cationic microcoil,alternative injection of cationic microcoil and anion microcoil.The results indicate that injection mode have a significant impact on the sealing capacity.And alternative injection of cationic microcoil and anion microcoil can develop efficient sealing capacity in the hypertonic condition.This technology can enhance the flow resistance of high permeability layer,and have good plugging and washing resistance properties.The plugging rate reaches 87.72% after two alternative injections of microcoil.The result shows that it can enhance oil recovery efficiency by 28% after alternativing injection of microcoil.
Key words:  anion and cationic microcoil  alternative injection  sealing capacity  washing resistance  enhance oil recovery