引用本文:徐梅,刘卫东,石彦. 低压水敏储层清防蜡技术[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(5): 446-450,456,369,370.
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徐梅, 刘卫东, 石彦
关键词:  清防蜡  声波防蜡  微生物防蜡  磁防蜡
Study on Paraffin Clean and Control Technology in Low-Pressure Water-Sensitive Reservoir
Xu Mei, Liu Weidong, Shi Yan
Exploration and Development Institute,Zhundong Oil Production Factory,Xinjiang Oilfield Company
The sonic wave paraffin control technology,microbial paraffin control technology and magnetic paraffin control technology are studied and used in oil wells in low-pressure and water-sensitive reservoir.By studying on crude oil’s physical property and reservoir characteristics,heat cleaning paraffin technology and existed problems are analyzed and discussed when it is used to clean paraffin in low-pressure and water-sensitive reservoir.By study and application in several years,new clean and control paraffin technologies used in low-pressure and water-sensitive reservoir are found.The new technologies are not only prevent the reservoir from polluting,control wells paraffin deposition,make the wells produce steadily,but also improve the production rate,reduce the cost and produce with high efficiency.In the oilfield,the technologies are used in 456 wells and good results are achieved.The income 12.39 million RMB is reached and input-output is 3:1.
Key words:  paraffin clean  paraffin control  sonic wave paraffin control  microbial paraffin control  magnetic paraffin control